Feb 8 – half-way through February’s 2nd week

Wednesday, February 8  “Now it is time to site quiet, face to face with thee . . .”

Lots of noisy news these days, clatter of strategies and counter strategies  —  such times want, I find myself saying  —  breathing times.  While turning the pages of poets who have helped me find stillness before, Tagore caught my attention with Gitanjali # 5.   This summertime poem can make a place in February too.

Best to read the poem out loud with pauses.

Have a blest day.


john sj


Today’s post –  Rabindranath Tagore Gitanjali,  # 5

I ask for a moment’s indulgence to sit by thy side. The works
that I have in hand I will finish afterwards.

Away from the sight of thy face my heart knows no rest nor respite,
and my work becomes an endless toil in a shoreless sea of toil.

Today the summer has come at my window with its sighs and murmurs; and
the bees are plying their minstrelsy at the court of the flowering grove.

Now it is time to sit quiet, face to face with thee, and to sing
dedication of life in this silent and overflowing leisure.

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