First monthly Office of Mission Integration liturgy and lunch set for Oct. 9

First monthly Office of Mission Integration liturgy and lunch set for Oct. 9

A photograph depicting a priest with his arms spread saying mass to the congregation. In the bottom left-hand corner is a smaller picture of attendees having lunchAll are invited to attend the Office of Mission Integration’s first special monthly liturgy on Wednesday, Oct. 9 at noon in the St. Ignatius Chapel.

Fr. Charles Oduke, Detroit Mercy’s vice president for Mission Integration, will celebrate the liturgy and preach on a theme central to our Mercy-Jesuit educational mission. There will be a pizza lunch afterwards in the Commerce & Finance Building, Room 238.

At each monthly OMI liturgy and lunch, colleagues from different parts of the University have the opportunity to gather and reflect on a theme central to the Mercy-Jesuit educational mission.

Persons of all religious backgrounds and/or those not affiliated with a religious tradition are encouraged to attend.