Tree dedication to honor Adia J. Palmer set for Oct. 4

Tree dedication to honor Adia J. Palmer set for Oct. 4

A colorful graphic featuring a photo of Adia J. Palmer. Text reads, please join the Detroit Mercy Libraries for a Tree Dedication and Blessing, celebrating the life and legacy of Adia J. Palmer, Friday, Oct. 4, at 11 a.m., by Adia's tree in front of the McNichols Campus Library, all are welcome, cider donuts and conversation to follow.The Detroit Mercy Libraries invite the University community to gather for a tree dedication and blessing to celebrate the life and legacy of Adia J. Palmer on Friday, Oct. 4 at 11 a.m. at Adia’s tree in front of the McNichols Campus Library.

Palmer, a Detroit Mercy Communication Studies major, Library student assistant, poet, Varsity News writer and photographer, Titan Equity Nourish Network (TENN) volunteer, warrior for food justice and true friend to many, passed away unexpectedly in March 2022.

A scholarship was created last year to honor her legacy of creativity, inspiration and elevation, and her desire to spread joy, peace and love to make the world a better place.

Following the dedication and blessing, UDM students, faculty and staff — especially those who knew Palmer or were touched by her tremendous spirit — are invited to stay for donuts and cider, and to share memories of Palmer, in the Library lobby.