Call for Nominations: Mission Leadership Awards

Call for Nominations: Mission Leadership Awards

A student holds a lamp on a stage, wearing graduation attire, standing next to President Donald Taylor, wearing red Commencement robes.Many UDM students and employees exemplify the mission of Detroit Mercy as we learn and work together. The Mission Effectiveness Team is once again soliciting nominations for the University’s Mission Leadership Awards — the Vivere ex Missione Award and Agere ex Missione Award.

All members of the University community — including students, faculty, staff, alumni and supporters are invited to nominate students and employees for the Vivere and Agere ex Missione Awards. You are also welcome to re-nominate an individual who was not selected in a previous year.

The Vivere ex Missione Award (“to live out the mission”) is presented annually to graduating students who best exemplify the mission of Detroit Mercy. An undergraduate and graduate student are selected from the McNichols Campus, and a Law and Dental student are selected from the Riverfront and Corktown Campuses. This award is presented at the students’ respective commencement ceremony.

The Agere ex Missione Award (“to do the mission”) is presented annually to three individuals employed at the University — a faculty member, staff member and administrator — who exemplify the mission of Detroit Mercy. This award will be presented at the Spotlight on Excellence Celebration on May 13.

Nominators are asked to speak to how their nominee fosters four guiding values inspired by the University’s mission: education of the whole person; service that leads to justice; recognition of the sacred in all; and building a community of inclusivity.

The nomination deadline for the Mission Leadership Awards is Friday, March 14.

Find out more about the awards, including a list of past recipients, and nominate students or employees at the Mission Leadership Awards webpage.

For more information or any questions, please contact the co-chairs of the Mission Effectiveness Team, Ashlee Barnes ( or Mary-Catherine Harrison (