What is ‘the University safety team?

What is ‘the University safety team?

You may have seen the University safety team walking around campus asking the question “do you have any safety concerns?” Well, that’s what we do. We address safety concerns for the University on all campuses.

Our focus is on reducing building hazards, emergency preparedness, identifying environmental hazards, and understanding federal and state compliance for chemical safety. Each year, we walk through all buildings to examine those safety concerns and discuss a plan of action to address them. We also work alongside public safety to assist them with developing a training program for emergency preparedness.

Our team is made up of our University of Detroit Mercy peers from Facilities, Public Safety, Health Professions, Learning Center, Life Sciences and Chemistry, just to name a few. We are here to serve our community and would be happy to answer any questions within the scope of our focus at: o365_university-widesafetyteam_group@udmercy.edu