Theological and spiritual reflections on sport and other cultural domains

A Few Articles

Sport, Theology and Spirituality

Sport for All: The Holy See and the ‘signs of the times’ in the world of sportLa Civilta Cattolica, March 20, 2023

Interview with USC Institute for Advanced Catholic Studies – December 2, 2022

It’s time to talk about paying (attention to) our student athletes – Conversations on Jesuit Higher Education Magazine, March 2022

Catholics and Sport in a Global Context: Introduction -“Introduction,”  pp. 1-13.  special issue of the journal Religion and Society, “Catholics and Sport in a Global Context,” Patrick Kelly, SJ ed. (Rabbi Myer and Dorothy Kripke Center for the Study of Religion and Society at Creighton University, Supplement 20, 2019)  Find the complete special issue of the journal at:

Catholics and Sports in US: An Alternative Tradition – U.S. Catholic Historian, Volume 36, Number 2, Spring 2018, pp. 11-32

Why Sister Jean and Father Rob Matter  Catholic News Service, March 18, 2018

Sports in Schools_ Beyond Winning and Losing – Conversations in Jesuit Higher Education, January 2018: 20-22

Catholic sports not just about wins, but the common good  Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse, Feb. 1, 2017

Signs of the Times in Intercollegiate Athletics   Conversations in Jesuit Higher Education, September 2015, 37-38

Sport and the Spirit of Jesuit Education  Conversations in Jesuit Higher Education, September 2015 (online)

Catholics and Sports: An Historical and Theological Overview – (Italian) “I cattolici e lo sport. Una visione storica e teologica,”  (“Catholics and Sport: An Historical and Theological Overview”) Quaderno N°3948 del 20/12/2014 – Civilta Cattolica, IV, 557-570.

Ignatian, Jesuit Spirituality

An Examen in the Spirit of Pope Francis America Magazine: Papal Visit  Sept. 15, 2015

Loved into Freedom and Service: Lay Experiences of the Exercises in Daily Life  Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits  39/2 Summer 2007

Theological, Spiritual Reflections on Culture

The Rising of Bruce Springsteen America Magazine, February 10, 2003