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Attend the Spring 2024 Mercy Peace Forum on April 10: Michael Baxter’s virtual talk on “The Grace of Doing Almost Nothing: Reflections on Peacemaking Amid the Perplexities of War in Ukraine and Gaza”

Attend the Spring 2024 Mercy Peace Forum on April 10: Michael Baxter’s virtual talk on “The Grace of Doing Almost Nothing: Reflections on Peacemaking Amid the Perplexities of War in Ukraine and Gaza”

Join a thought-provoking virtual discussion led by Michael Baxter, associate professor at the McGrath Insitute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame. Delving into the complex issues surrounding war in Ukraine and Gaze, Baxter will juxtapose these conflicts with H. Richard Niebuhr’s essay “The Grace of Doing Nothing.” 

The virtual talk will be held on Wed., April 10 at 7:00 p.m. To register for the event, go to  

As war continues in Ukraine and Gaza, claims of justice remain deeply perplexing. Although some might find reasons for these tragedies, war is always an unavoidably ambiguous and a dangerous time marked by trauma. 

Written in response to the Japanese invasion of Manchuria in 1931, Niebuhr’s essay draws parallels with contemporary crises. Using his work, Baxter will advocate for an “unswerving and hopeful adherence to the Gospel ethic of Jesus Christ” as the strongest antidote to capitalism, nationalism, and racism.  

This event is a part of an ongoing series organized by the Mercy Peace Forum and sponsored by the Peace History Society, dedicated to examining current events through the lens of peace. 

For more information, or for any questions, contact Dr. Gail Presbey at