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Category: <span>Psychology</span>

Explore Detroit Mercy’s Industrial/Organizational Psychology M.A. Program at Upcoming Open House Events

Are you interested in advancing your career in organizational growth and effectiveness? The University of Detroit Mercy’s Master of Arts in Industrial/Organizational (I/O) Psychology program is hosting a series of Open Houses with an Alumni Panel to provide insights into this dynamic field and its career opportunities.     Event Details:  …

Dr. Kristen Abraham Featured in APA Journals Editor Spotlight

Dr. Kristen Abraham, professor and chair of psychology, has been recognized in an American Psychological Association (APA) Journals Editor Spotlight. As the Incoming Editor of the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, Dr. Abraham will guide the publication of original, peer-reviewed research that advances evidence and understanding of interdisciplinary, psychosocial treatment and recovery …

Join Dr. Christine Montross in a Virtual Talk on April 10: “The Story is at the Center: The Shared Territory of Writing and Medicine”

Drawing from her expertise as a psychiatrist and an author, Christine Montross, MD, MA, will lead a virtual talk titled “The Story is at the Center: The Shared Territory of Writing and Medicine” on Wed., April 10, from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. Dr. Montross’ talk is the third in a …

Psychology career panel shares first-hand experiences of different psychologists with students

In collaboration with Psi Chi, the international psychology honor society, the Psychology Department invites you to a captivating career panel on March 18, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in Commerce & Finance 209.   Individuals can explore different positions in the world of psychology as professionals share first-hand experiences, shedding …

$25,000 NIH-ReBUILDetroit grant for eye movement research on schizophrenia

Harold Greene, University of Detroit Mercy professor of Psychology, and Vaibhav Diwadkar, Wayne State University professor in the Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Neuroscience, received a $25,000 National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant to identify eye movement dysfunction in schizophrenia. Green and Diwadkar will serve as the principal investigators (PIs).  The …