April 15 snow boots

Tuesday April 15 snow boots & John Dunne (1929 – 2013)

Another of the moods of Spring — a day or two to take off dancing shoes and pull back on snow boots. Time for a little fortitude, though surely not the most demanding bravery our lives require.

Tough weather during the run-up to final exams brought to mind a short saying written by John Dunne, a legendary faculty member at Notre Dame. His books were not particularly long which I found helpful because I often took a long time to find my way into the theology he created, not because he was dense or dull but because his surprises astonished me at every turn, sometimes 2 or 3 surprises in a single paragraph that might absorb my attention for an hour.

Today’s post is technically prose but it rewards reading and re-reading, out loud like a poem.

The daffodils will burst into color by Easter, want to bet?

john sj


God is not “how things stand”
“How things stand” is not God
God is not domesticated by how things stand
God leads on an adventure.
God is wild.

John Dunne


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