The voice of God – Mary Karr “The Voice of God”

Every so often, a poet taps on the window of my imagination and catches my attention.  I had not encountered Mary Karr before (b. January 16, 1955); now I am wondering why.

Have a blest September Monday,


john sj

Today’s Post  “The Voice of God”

Ninety percent of what’s wrong with you
could be cured with a hot bath,
says God from the bowels of the subway.
but we want magic, to win
the lottery we never bought a ticket for.
(Tenderly, the monks chant, embrace
the suffering.) The voice of God does not pander,
offers no five-year plan, no long-term
solution, nary an edict. It is small & fond & local.
Don’t look for your initials in the geese
honking overhead or to see thru the glass even
darkly. It says the most obvious crap—
put down that gun, you need a sandwich.

Mary Karr


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