Search Results for: the writer

May 15 – Nurse as Miracle Worker

Thursday  May 15  —  Nurse as Miracle Worker The patient wounded in their narrow beds Welcome me and smile as I go by Down the long wooden buildings where they lie Wan weary rows of helpless haggard heads — Mysterious … Continue reading

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Lots and lots of dots, in blue water

Much of my research has focused on the emotional and ethical impact of empathy and literature. How do we imagine ourselves in the place of fictional characters and “feel with” their emotions? How can our feelings for fictional characters affect … Continue reading

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April 4 – Red Wheel Barrow

Friday, April 4  – Stories everywhere if I slow down a little William Carlos Williams, a practicing MD who studied at my alma mater U Penn, died in 1963 at 79.  I don’t know who said that he  “worked harder at … Continue reading

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This week students submitted their entries for UDM’s annual Dudley Randall Student Poetry Competition. The competition began while Randall was a librarian and poet-in-resident at U of D. He served as its judge for several years—one of the many ways … Continue reading

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thanksgiving blessing

Tuesday  November 26 Thanksgiving looks to close to the ground human experience — visiting,   cooking,  eating,  maybe watching some football,   gatherings of different branches of your family.   Thinking of that this morning reminded me of a blessing … Continue reading

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our hands

Monday  October 28 On  September 26 one year & one month ago, Dave Nantais, Director of University Ministry sent this blessing on the list.  It’s taken from the health care tradition of the Sisters of Mercy.    Dave introduced it … Continue reading

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Tagore 5 in praise of meditation

Thursday, October 24 “In easy times you don’t have to be so careful about your language, you will spontaneously find playful words, wise with kindness. In hard time it helps to pay attention to word choices. I decided to choose … Continue reading

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G M Hopkins “To R.B.”

Friday October 18 At the History of Technology Annual Meeting in Porland ME last week I got talking with a younger colleague about some of the demanding challenges of adult commitments. Somewhere in that conversation I mentioned the Jesuit Poet … Continue reading

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