Voting 101 Event Prepped New Voters

By Amanda Hiber


In advance of the November 2020 election, the WGS Program held a virtual educational event, Voting 101, on October 6, 2020. Over 35 students, staff, and faculty members were in attendance. 

Two representatives from the non-partisan League of Women Voters, Detroit chapter President Rhonda Craig and voting rights activist Charles Thomas, Jr., presented information aimed particularly at first-time voters. Information included essential deadlines and locations for registering to vote and casting absentee ballots. Both speakers emphasized the importance of citizens exercising their right—or, as Thomas enthusiastically put it—power to vote. 

The presenters also shared with attendees the League of Women Voters’ website,, which citizens can use as a one-stop shop for finding their poll locations and sample ballots. The site also provides information on candidates and ballot proposals.  

Both the Political Science department and the Theta Tau chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority co-sponsored the event. 

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