
During the winter term 2025, Dr. Friedrich will be teaching organic chemistry lecture, a laboratory course, and the course ‘recent advanced in chemistry and biochemistry’. The latter (CHM 4900) is focusing on chemistry in the clinic, as most student enrolled will become healthcare providers or researchers in a healthcare related field.

CHM 2290 is the second of two lecture courses designed to introduce students to basic concepts of organic chemistry, mechanisms, and instrumental analytics. The course covers aromaticity, the chemistry of carbonyl and carboxyl groups, basics of organometallic reagents, polymers, and biomolecules.

CHM 2260 is a course designed to teach students basic organic chemistry laboratory skills. This includes laboratory safety, the use and handling of lab equipment, some analytical techniques, and overall the ability to observe and narrate in a scientific setting. Additionally, the concept of ‘green chemistry’ is introduced.