Experience the magic of India with the University of Detroit Mercy! Attend the informational Zoom session on Wednesday, April 10 at 6:30 p.m. to learn all about the details related to this immersion opportunity.
The trip is set from May 18 – 27, 2025.
To register for the event, please go to https://udmercy-edu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMuceCrqT8pHd1LgGUbjBUKXi1wlSiFMBgY.
2025 marks the second time that this immersive trip to India is being offered at the University of Detroit Mercy. In Spring 2023, seven students and four professors made unforgettable memories as they visited multiple sites across the country.
Associate Professor of History, Diane Robinson-Dunn, and Director of Language and Cultural Training, Study Abroad Coordinator, and Fulbright Scholar Liaison, Lara Wasner will guide this immersion experience.
Please contact Prof. Diane Robinson-Dunn at robinsod@udmercy.edu, or Lara Wasner at wasnerle@udmercy.edu, with any inquiries or questions.