Jan 2 — a P.S. from one of our readers about grace in prisons

Tuesday,  January 2,  a postscript for yesterday’s post

Readers often write comments on our posts,  frequently brief, as in “thanks for today’s poem;  I really needed that.”   But now and then someone writes at greater length and stops me in my tracks.   Here is one commenting on yesterday’s post

Monday,  January 1  –  “Changing Ways’  by V.B. written in prison

A reader and friend wrote this postscript yesterday evening.  You might find that reading these 3 short paragraphs is like reading another poem.

have a blest day.

john sj


“This poem is wonderful, John.  It calls to mind conversations I had with two of the men I know in a maximum security state prison just before Christmas.  Both were about their changes, and their futures.

Will is on call much of the time to work with other inmates who are mentally ill…some of whom connect only with him.  He has, over years, achieved enough professional certifications that he is qualified to continue this kind of work when he is paroled (perhaps within the year).  As he says, none of the certifications are from the Department of Corrections, so they are truly respected on the outside.  This man came to prison as a wise guy, smart ass, but he has discovered a remarkable capacity for compassion.

Steve is a Marine veteran, drug addict who violated parole at least once and attempted suicide three times…in prison I don’t know how many years, being paroled in the spring.  His wife, who doesn’t visit but wants the old Steve back, does not know him as he is now so he is going to live with his daughter (who does know him).  Don’t know if the marriage will survive but Steve will walk his own path with tremendous faith in God’s grace.”

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