Dec 11 — e e cummings, “a little church”

Wednesday, December 11  “around me surges a miracle of
birth and glory and death and resurrection”

A  mid-December day:  lots of scrambling these days inside and across our work lives. Here’s one of e.e. cummings’ poems praising the timeless beauty that underlies our generosities, our anxieties, and the demands they make on us. It could be called an Advent poem, interrupting today’s agenda, inviting attention and stillness.


Have a blest day.


john sj

p.s. Consolations:  small, medium and large yesterday as soul friends from my life took the occasion of my 80th birthday to remind me that they see beauty in my life.    I woke today tasting their beauty in mine.


Today’s Post: “i am a little church (no great cathedral)”

far from the splendor and squalor of hurrying cities
–i do not worry if briefer days grow briefest,
i am not sorry when sun and rain make april

my life is the life of the reaper and sower;
my prayers are prayers of earth’s own clumsily striving
(finding and losing and laughing and crying) children
whose any sadness or joy is my grief or my gladness

around me surges a miracle of unceasing
birth and glory and death and resurrection:
over my sleeping self float flaming symbols
of hope, and i wake to a perfect patience of mountains

i am a little church(far from the frantic
world with its rapture and anguish) at peace with nature
–i do not worry if longer nights grow longest;
i am not sorry when silence becomes singing

winter by spring, i lift my diminutive spire to
merciful Him Whose only now is forever:
standing erect in the deathless truth of His presence
(welcoming humbly His light and proudly His darkness)

e. e. cummings

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