All pre-med students should carve out time to engage on this Thursday’s Medical School Virtual Fair.
Just this week I celebrated a class of 2020 medical school admission with a student who stated, “If it was not specifically for the virtual DO expo, I do not even believe I would have considered applying” to this out of state school.
So many of pre-med students apply both in state and out of state. You may not have the time or money to travel to information sessions all over the country before applying to medical school. This is one way to connect with medical school admissions representatives.
While celebrating her admissions to this medical school she shared that at the interview they were completely aware that she had attended the virtual fair. It does make a difference!
Your future medical career application begins now, not when it opens in summer 2020 or 2021.
If you are in need of pre-health advising and plan to be a University of Detroit Mercy student then schedule an appointment with Carmen Gamlin via