MSU College of Human Medicine Information Session with the Early Assurance Program, Thursday, November 18, 2021 at 1:00pm

Spartan MD

It is a great time to be a pre-med Titan!

Professional Schools share amazing opportunities to University of Detroit Mercy students and alumni. Titans with strong academic preparation and commitment to community service can launch exciting medical careers.

Michigan State University College of Human Medicine

Information Session for Pre-med students

Thursday, November 18, 2021. 1:00pm

Jessica Davison, Admissions Counselor

will present on

How to Become a Spartan MD.

All Titans and prospective Titans are welcome to learn about selection criteria and admission process including the

Early Assurance Program.

Join Information Session Here

Any Pre-med Titan considering the MSUCHM Early Assurance Program 2022 should schedule an advising session with Carmen Gamlin before the end of Fall semester as the deadlines are all during winter for the application process.   

If you are in need of pre-health advising and plan to be a University of Detroit Mercy student then schedule an appointment with Carmen Gamlin via

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Melissa Zuteck, Detroit Mercy Alum and Genetic Counselor

Pre-Health Advisor Carmen Gamlin interviewed Alumni and now Genetic Counselor Melissa Zuteck. During the interview, Melissa reflects on her time as a Biology Major and what led her to pursue Genetic Counseling. Here are some highlights from the interview.

It’s just a very exciting time to be in the field of Genetics, and I think the field is really exploding!

-Melissa Zuteck

1. You are an alum of the University of Detroit Mercy. Please share a fond memory of your time as an undergraduate Science major.

The sense of community… I would say the professors, the staff there, even the students there were all just very supportive and were always there to help you along.

2. The field of Genetics is exploding, but how did you get interested in Genetic Counseling and what keeps you interested?

Melissa knew she wanted to be apart of healthcare but was unsure of the specific area and path she wanted to take. She heard about Genetic Counseling and became interested in the roles of Genetic Counselors and how they are often in place to help families understand and process medical information from a recent diagnosis or health concern.

I really enjoyed the idea that genetic counselors are healthcare providers that have a very strong focus on sort of the psychosocial aspect of health care.

Often times genetic counselors are helping families during very difficult times, scary times, uncertain times…

During a patient’s diagnostic journey, patients are being presented with a lot of medical information that can be intimidating…So I really like the idea of the Genetic Counselor really helping families navigate through all of that medical information in a way they can understand.

As far as what keeps Melissa interested in Genetic Counseling, she credits the advancement of technology that assists with diagnosis as well as the growth of the field of genetics in general.

More and more technology is advancing and becoming available and so we are able to make diagnosis for patients that wouldn’t have been available five, ten years ago. We’re able to do testing on patients that was available but not necessarily accessible five or ten years ago.

So it’s just a very exciting time to be a part of the field and it’s going to continue to grow.

3. Do you have any advice for a student considering the Masters Program in Genetic Counseling?

Melissa encourages students who are considering pursuing Genetic Counseling to become familiar with the field by speaking to genetic counselors and exploring the day to day roles of a genetic counselor.

I do, the best advice I have is to talk to a local genetic counselor. Reach out to the different genetic counseling programs and see if you can talk to their program directors.


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Dr. Elizabeth Roberts-Kirchhoff discusses University Organization for Pre-Health Students

Dr. Elizabeth Roberts-Kirchhoff holds a few different positions at Detroit Mercy College of Engineering and Science. She is an Assistant, Academic Dean for Engineering and Science students. She is also a Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry as well as an Advisor for Detroit Mercy 7-year Dental Students. Dr. Kirchhoff interviewed with Pre-Health Advisor Carmen Gamlin to discuss University structures, contrast between College and a University and the ways she engage with students.


  1. I believe that we only know what we have been exposed to. Many new students would benefit from knowing how the university is organized. What are: faculty, instructors, professors… Deans, Chairs? What is the difference between a School and a College at a University?
  2. What is your academic area of training and what courses do you instruct?
  3. You wear different hats for the College of Engineering and Science as an Assistant Dean, 7-Year Dent Advisor and Faculty member to name a few. How might a pre-health student engage you here in the College of Engineering and Science?
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Dr. Nicole Najor discusses Undergraduate Research

As a part of Faculty Facts, Pre-Health Advisor, Carmen Gamlin had the opportunity to engage in an interview with Dr. Nicole Najor. During her interview she discussed undergraduate research and specifically the research she conducts in her lab. In addition to being a Faculty at Detroit Mercy, she is also a Counselor for a Professional Organization, Council of Undergraduate Research (CUR).

1. Many of our undergraduate science students participate in research. Please share the research that is being done in your lab.
2. I understand that there is limited space in research labs. Would you please share what is a Teaching lab that is research based?
3. You have been so generous as to share an issue of the SPUR Journal, Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research. The professional organization is CUR. Would you please share with Titans what Council on Undergraduate Research is and how a student can get involved?

Learn more about Dr. Najor’s Research here!


Council on Undergraduate Research - Learning Through Research

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Carle Illinois College of Medicine – First Engineering Medical College

The University of Detroit Mercy Pre-Med Titans and the Wayne State University Pre-med Warriors co-host Carle Illinois College of Medicine October 12th at 12:30 Eastern for a Zoom Information Session. Jessica Williams, Associate Director of Admissions will share how pre-med students can engage the world’s first college of medicine at UIUC specifically designed at the intersection of medicine and engineering.

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Dr. Mary Lou Caspers, PhD – Faculty in Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Discusses Courses, Student Organizations and More!

Pre-Health Advisor Carmen Gamlin had the opportunity to speak with Chemistry and Biochemistry faculty, Mary Lou Caspers, Ph.D. Dr. Caspers discusses the courses she teach at Detroit Mercy and key characteristics of a Pre-Health student. Interesting to note, Dr. Mary Lou Caspers is an alum of the University. She received a B.S. in Chemistry from Detroit Mercy (formerly known as University of Detroit). Not only does Dr. Caspers serve as a faculty at Detroit Mercy she also serves as an advisor for The Pre-Med Club!



  1. Dr. Caspers, you have been providing scientific instruction and mentorship for the College of Engineering and Science for some time. Please share what courses you instruct this academic year.
  2. There may be many ways that you engage pre-health students while they study here at the University. I hear alumni fondly share how you have inspired them. Would you contrast your relationship with a student in your class versus one in a student organization that you advise?
  3. I think the vantage point of science faculty is quite valuable. Please share what you have seen as attributes of a successful pre-graduate school/ pre-health student.

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Dr. Amy Bauer, DVM Discusses New Role at Detroit Mercy in Relation to Pre-Health

Dr. Amy Bauer, DVM Ph.D. is a new faculty here at Detroit Mercy working in the Biology Department. She is also a practicing veterinarian and researcher. Dr. Bauer teaches Comparative Anatomy at Detroit Mercy to many of our Pre-Health students. She sat down with Pre-Health Advisor Carmen Gamlin to discuss skills pre-health Titans will gain from her class!


  1. You are new faculty person here at the University of Detroit Mercy. What are you teaching?
  2. Many of our science majors are pre-health students. What are some skills that students develop in your course(s) that will help them in graduate school?
  3. In addition to instructing courses, what else do you do in the community that you can share with the pre-health students?
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Dr. Victor Carmona Chats about Sabbaticals and Research

Pre-Health Advisor Carmen Gamlin had the opportunity to speak with Dr. Victor Carmona, Professor of Biology & Director of Sustainability at the University of Detroit Mercy about his time on Sabbatical and about his research endeavors.


  1. I always say that we only know what we have been exposed to . So I think that students would like to know about what a sabbatical is.
  2. So you went on a sabbatical that is research based. What can you share?
  3. What are some of the research activities that you do with undergraduates here at the University of Detroit Mercy?


Learn more about Dr. Carmona’s Research here!

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This Fall will be amazing Pre-Health Titans!

It is an honor to serve as the Pre-Health Advisor for the University of Detroit Mercy in my hometown. Working with Pre-Health Titans who will launch their careers in healthcare requires engagement on campus, in our communities, in industry and now more than ever online. Students have returned to campus with their peers and mentors for instruction however, they do need to network and learn effectively in virtual spaces.

Fall 2021 will require a new flexible skill set in all areas. Pre-Health Titans will have

  • in person and online classes
  • shadowing in person and on line
  • student orgs collaborate both in person and online
  • Virtual Fairs and Information Sessions
  • For some hard working Titans, acceptance to graduate schools after a busy online application & interview cycles

I am looking forward to engaging Pre-Health Titans individually, drop-in TEAMS advising, and with with Weekly Wednesday Workshops at 1:00.

  1. September 1st Freshmen and New Student Pre-Health – 5 Things you should know
  2. September 8th Preparing for Virtual Pre-Health Events Freshmen – Alumni – How to engage before and after Virtual Fairs, Info Session etc.
  3. September 15th Transfer Credit for Pre-Health – AP. Dual Enrollment, Early College, Summer courses.
  4. September 22nd How to use Social Media for Pre-Health – Your grad programs have a social media presence
  5. September 29th You will need Letters from Faculty as a Freshman / Sophomore / Junior & Alum – What types of letters are there and how does this work?
  6. October 6th The Benefit of Student Orgs on Graduate School Applications – Why they are helpful and what other options do you have?
  7. October 13th Who Do You Need to Engage? – Stepping out of your comfort zone as a Pre-Health Student
  8. October 20th LinkedIn Profile Creation – Mechanics of a pre-health LinkedIn Profile for Freshmen – Alumni
  9. October 27th Connecting with Titan Alumni in your Career Field with LinkedIn – Connecting for Informational Interviews and virtual shadowing.
  10. November 3rd To Research or not to Research – What is your ideal balance of activities?
  11. November 10 How Minors Impact Graduate School Applications – This reviews how minors can make a huge impact or not at all
  12. November 17 The Art of Thank You Letters for Pre-Health Students – Thank you letters are a smart way of engaging your network

No worries if you miss a workshop. Titans will have recordings on the Sway Newsletters.

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DO and DO/PhD with Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine

Detroit Mercy Pre-Health Advising Presents:

We need more Physician Scientists!

Information Session with MSUCOM DO and DO/PhD

  • Admission Representative, Craig Boyd from the MSUCOM DMC Site 
  • Hosted by ReBUILDetroit student Adrian Arrington
  • Brian Schutte, PhD Co-Director of MSUCOM DO/PhD Program
  • Michelle Volker, Academic Program Coordinator, CHRS CFMLAS
  • Alex Moauro DO-PhD Class of 2024, Regis University, 2015
  • Erika Arno, DO-PhD Class of 2024, University of Scranton, 2016

Representatives from the MSUCOM DO/PhD program presented on the application process, timeline and support for their bustling Physician Scientist program. The Co-Director and the 2 student DO-PhD representatives were all from Jesuit Colleges and Universities!

Why do we need DO-PhD physician-scientists?

  • The physician-scientist population in the U.S. is smaller and older than it was 25 years ago
  • There is a current critical shortage of physician-scientists
  • The physician-scientist is a vital member of the medical research community
  • The physician-scientist can collaborate with both Ph.D. scientists and health care providers
  • Scientific questions the physician-scientist asks reflect their experiences with patient care.

Incentives to pursue a DO-PhD degree

  • Reward of translating scientific research into patient therapy
  • Finding an answer to a medical puzzle
  • Being on the cutting edge of science in finding new therapies and/or disease cures
  • Receiving stipends and significant tuition reductions

MSU College of Osteopathic Medicine students have three great options for completing their first two years of medical school. Whether you decide to study at the Detroit Medical Center site, on the MSU campus in East Lansing or at the Macomb University Center in Clinton Township, you’ll get the same exceptional preclinical experience. One campus, three sites. Learn more about MSUCOM’s  3 sites:

If you are in need of pre-health advising and plan to be a University of Detroit Mercy student then schedule an appointment with Carmen Gamlin via

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