University of Detroit Mercy is featured prominently in Jan. 1 article in The Chronicle of Higher Education about its growth, and its efforts to raise the University’s profile.
“How to Market a College in a Troubled Locale” by reporter Lee Gardner discusses the University’s work to attract students and improve the Livernois-Six Mile community. The article also includes comments from Wayne State University representatives, because they face the same issues when trying to convince students to go to school in a city with a troubled history like Detroit’s.
The Chronicle of Higher Education, is higher education’s weekly (and daily) newspaper and has been around since 1966, with a staff of more than 175 employees. The Chronicle of Higher Education is the No. 1 source of news, information, and jobs for college and university faculty members and administrators and subscribed to by more than 51,000 academics and has a total readership of more than 215,000. The Chronicle’s audited website traffic is seen by more than 1.9 million unique visitors.
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How times have changed. I regularly ask UDM and Wayne State University students why they chose these schools. A common response these days is because the school is IN Detroit! A big change from 5 years ago.
Would love to read the article without subscribing to the Chronicle. Any tips?
Joe, sorry you’re having problems, but it works for us. Maybe this link will work for you:
Try this link if the other isn’t working.