Art abounds in Live6 neighborhood

As the neighborhoods around University of Detroit Mercy’s McNichols Campus re-energize, they start to develop a vibe all their own. People are noticing. In the most recent edition of the online Detroit-neighborhoods-focused ModelD, writer David Sands looks at all the art — both public and for sale in galleries — …

Saying good-bye to Sr. Beth

For a long, long time (click on the video to learn just how long), Sister Beth Ann Finster, SSJ, has been a friend to University of Detroit and University of Detroit Mercy. A fixture at Shiple, the freshman residence hall, she befriended at least a generation of students and made …

Keep the learning going with Detroit Mercy’s summer camps

Science, technology, engineering, architecture and more are offered through University of Detroit Mercy in a series of camps and programs being offered this summer. The STEAM-centered camps will introduce students to everything from cybersecurity to design thinking to leadership skills. They are as follows: Michigan Women’s Foundation’s Camp Moxie, for …

Engineering, Nursing students’ projects designed to improve life for veterans

Detroit Mercy Engineering and Nursing students joined forces with students from Lawrence Technological University and veterans over the past year to work on projects designed to ease challenges vets experience with everyday tasks due to physical disabilities. This capstone project began more than nine years ago at Detroit Mercy with …