College students whose parents do not have four-year’s degree are known as “first-generation college students.”
According to national studies, this population has a harder time adjusting to college life, navigating its path and is more likely to be without a degree six years after starting college that children of parents with college degrees. It’s not lack of interest, these studies show, but the fact that parents who don’t have the experience are often unable to give their children the type of support they need to succeed.
That’s where the FirstGen Network comes in. The two-year-old group at Detroit Mercy brings together first-generation students with staff and faculty who support each other and offer advice. This group was featured recently in a Bridge Magazine article on the special challenges faced by first-generation and economically disadvantaged college students. First-generation faculty and staff have shared their sometimes humorous stories about their education in a series of videos that can be found here on YouTube.
FirstGen Network was created by Associate Professor of English Mary-Catherine Harrison is funded by the University and last year received a generous $25,000 grant from the Sisters of Mercy West Midwest Mercy Ministry Grants to build on its programming.