An anonymous, shy, love poem

Friday, March 12, 2020 

Anxieties, anxieties, anxieties  —>  a fair sample of COVID-19 denials;  sometimes pretty noisy denials.  They remind me of a joke my dad used to tell from his early days growing up in a Kansas farm town.  The story goes that the preacher had written out his sermon so he could read it from the pulpit with notes that occurred to him as he got closer to the service.    My Dad’s joke:  the preacher had written on one place in the margin — “Weak Argument:  SHOUT LIKE HELL.”   I loved this bit of prairie humor as a boy who worshiped his dad;  I still love it.

Today’s  haiku, more playfully tender than my Dad’s Kansas joke about the shouting preacher, may whisper in your imagination this Friday afternoon.  Try reading it slowly, with pauses as you turn toward Daylight Saving Time.

No matter how busy you are, I hope there’s time to stand still and read these few, spare words, perhaps as a mind rinse.

Have a blest Friday,

john sj


Today’s Post – Anonymous

By way of pretext, I said:
“I will go to consider the condition of the bamboo fence”
but it was really to see you.”

Rocky Mountain National Park yellow flower – –  Ignatian Colleagues Silent Retreat – July 2011

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