Category Archives: Post Bach

Winter 2022 Committee Letter Process is now Live!

Pre-Health Titans (students and alumni) who are applying to Graduate Schools in the Health Professions for the 2022/2023 cycle can now apply for a Committee Letter! The Application is available online and will be available until the closing date of … Continue reading

Posted in #pre-health, #pre-pharmacy, Allopathic Medicine MD, Events for Pre-Health Titans, MCAT, Osteopathic Medicine, Post Bach, Pre-Dent, Pre-Health Advising, Pre-Med, Pre-Occupational Therapy, Pre-Optometry, Pre-PA, Pre-Pharm, Pre-Physical Therapy, Pre-Podiatry, Pre-Vet, Public health, Titan Alumni | Comments Off on Winter 2022 Committee Letter Process is now Live!

Four Pre-Winter 2022 workshops for pre-health Titans applying to graduate schools in the 2022/2023 cycles

  Calling all Pre-Med, Pre-Dent, Pre-PA, Pre-PT, Pre-Pharm, Pre-Podiatry, Pre-Optometry, Pre-Vet and 2nd Degree Nursing students and alumni! 2022 Committee Letter Application is now open for those applying to graduate school in 2022! Feel free to fill out this online application … Continue reading

Posted in #pre-health, #pre-pharmacy, Allopathic Medicine MD, Events for Pre-Health Titans, MCAT, Osteopathic Medicine, Post Bach, Pre-Health Advising, Pre-Med, Pre-Occupational Therapy, Pre-Optometry, Pre-PA, Pre-Pharm, Pre-Physical Therapy, Pre-Podiatry, Pre-Vet, Public health, Titan Alumni | Comments Off on Four Pre-Winter 2022 workshops for pre-health Titans applying to graduate schools in the 2022/2023 cycles

Mercy Volunteeer Corps Coordinator, Andrea Haller’s Meet & Greet for college graduates seeking a transformational enhancement / gap year

Our volunteers approach service from a place of compassion and walking with people in solidarity. We are so excited to host Andrea Haller today, November 3, 2021 here at the University of Detroit Mercy.  She will be both in person … Continue reading

Posted in #pre-health, Clinical Experience for Pre-Health Students, Community Service, Gap Year, Mercy, Post Bach, Titan Alumni, Uncategorized | Comments Off on Mercy Volunteeer Corps Coordinator, Andrea Haller’s Meet & Greet for college graduates seeking a transformational enhancement / gap year

Let’s talk Physics! Interview with Dr. Prasad Venugopal

We know the importance of Physics being a recommended pre-requisite course for most Pre-Health Professions but do we know the true importance of physics in relation to healthcare and society? Pre-Health Coordinator, Carmen Gamlin was able to receive some insight … Continue reading

Posted in #pre-health, #pre-pharmacy, Osteopathic Medicine, PhD Biomed, Post Bach, Pre-Clinical Lab Science, Pre-Dent, Pre-Health Advising, Pre-Med, Pre-Occupational Therapy, Pre-Optometry, Pre-PA, Pre-Pharm, Pre-Physical Therapy, Pre-Podiatry, Pre-Vet, Uncategorized | Comments Off on Let’s talk Physics! Interview with Dr. Prasad Venugopal

The SAAHP Health Professions Fair for Students will take place this Friday, June 4, both virtually and in-person.

The in-person fair will be at the Hyatt Regency San Antonio Riverwalk, and the virtual fair will take place on an online platform accessible from anywhere. This is an excellent opportunity for Pre-Health students and alumni to connect with representatives … Continue reading

Posted in Allopathic Medicine MD, BioMed Masters or PhD programs, Biomedical Sciences, Events for Pre-Health Titans, Gap Year, HPSP, Military Healthcare, Osteopathic Medicine, PhD Biomed, Post Bach, Pre-Clinical Lab Science, Pre-Optometry, Pre-Physical Therapy, Pre-Podiatry, Pre-Vet, Public health | Tagged | Comments Off on The SAAHP Health Professions Fair for Students will take place this Friday, June 4, both virtually and in-person.

Leonardo Romero-Baraja, shares tips on applying to Medical School

Leonardo Romero-Baraja, a ReBuilDetroit Scholar and Honors, Biology Student provides three tips that will give current and perspective students a competitive edge when applying for Medical School. “Challenge Yourself! Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself! No matter how big or small…don’t … Continue reading

Posted in #pre-health, Post Bach, Pre-Health Advising, Pre-Med | Comments Off on Leonardo Romero-Baraja, shares tips on applying to Medical School

AmeriCorps Community Training – Become an Overdose Rescue Trainer

AmeriCorps Community Training – ACT The ACT program launched this past October in response to the opioid epidemic and is housed at WSU’s Center for Urban Studies. The goal of ACT is to reduce opioid-related fatalities within the tri-county area. … Continue reading

Posted in #pre-health, Clinical Experience for Pre-Health Students, Post Bach, Pre-Med, Pre-PA, Pre-Pharm, Public health, Summer programs for Pre-Health Titans | Comments Off on AmeriCorps Community Training – Become an Overdose Rescue Trainer

Grand Valley State University (GVSU) Health Professional and Graduate School Fair, Thursday, March 19th

Grand Valley State University (GVSU) Health Professional and Graduate School Fair  Thursday, March 19th, 2020 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The event will take place in the Russell H. Kirkhof Center’s Grand River Room at the main Allendale campus.  … Continue reading

Posted in #pre-health, #pre-pharmacy, BioMed Masters or PhD programs, Events for Pre-Health Titans, MD/PhD or DO/PhD, PhD Biomed, Post Bach, Pre-Dent, Pre-Med, Pre-Occupational Therapy, Pre-Optometry, Pre-PA, Pre-Pharm, Pre-Physical Therapy, Pre-Podiatry, Pre-Vet | Comments Off on Grand Valley State University (GVSU) Health Professional and Graduate School Fair, Thursday, March 19th

Post-baccalaureate Research Education Program at The Ohio State University, DISCOVERY PREP.

Do you have underrepresented students that are looking to earn a PhD in biomedical science and just aren’t quite ready to go to graduate school or need a little bit more experience/time to be truly competitive for a top tier … Continue reading

Posted in Post Bach, Research for Pre-Health Students | Comments Off on Post-baccalaureate Research Education Program at The Ohio State University, DISCOVERY PREP.

Post Baccalaureate and Summer Programs for Pre-Health Titans

Post Baccalaureate Programs NIH Post Baccalaureate for Underrepresented Scientists: Post Baccalaureate Pre-Medical (and other Health Professions) Programs: Summer 2020 Programs  University of Michigan – SMART Summer Program for MD/PhD aspirations: Summer Health Professions Education Program (Funded – 12 locations throughout the country): Due Feb 5th!  YouTube instructions … Continue reading

Posted in MD/PhD or DO/PhD, Post Bach, Pre-Dent, Pre-Med, Pre-Occupational Therapy, Pre-Optometry, Pre-PA, Pre-Pharm, Pre-Physical Therapy, Pre-Podiatry, Research for Pre-Health Students, Summer programs for Pre-Health Titans | Comments Off on Post Baccalaureate and Summer Programs for Pre-Health Titans