Interview with Dharika Patel, Chief Scribe at Scribe America

Pre-Health Titans, we have some exciting things to share with you today! Detroit Mercy Titan and Chief Scribe at Scribe America, Dharika Patel sat down with us to speak about an amazing opportunity available to ALL undergraduates and that is scribing. So lets learn about scribing! 

“Being in the medical field has helped me be stronger mentally and emotionally, you kind of learn how to put a barrier from your emotions.”

What does a scribe do and how does someone train to become a scribe? Dharika explains that a new scribe at Scribe America will start off with basic classroom training such as medical terminology classes and mock patient-provider videos. New scribes are also taught how to do Subjective Objective Assessment at Plan (SOAP) notes. The classroom training takes about 2-3 weeks to complete and it also have four test with a final exam. Upon successful completion of exams, training then advances to shadowing training with training scribes in specific specialties. The amazing part, this is PAID training!! 

“You learn what goes in each part of the note and how you access the patients symptoms or illness and what you decide for the treatment plan to be.”

Being a Medical Scribe gives you direct clinical training in an array of specialties and give you proper preparation to become a physician in your specific training. At Scribe America, you’re not only getting clinical training, you are being taught time management, charting and you’re able to interact with patients and build relationships!

” By working with different specialties, for example, I work with sports medicine, internal medicine, oncology and general surgery; so when you’re working with different specialties, you sort of see different kinds of patients and that kind of gives you like a whole life picture.”

How can Titans learn more about scribing opportunities with Scribe America?

“It’s very simple, you just have to go, go to careers and apply to become a scribe.”

If you are in need of pre-health advising and plan to be a University of Detroit Mercy student then schedule an appointment with Carmen Gamlin via

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