Wayne State University PharmD Information Session January 31, 2023 1:00 in Zoom

All prospective students, current students and alumni arewelcomed to learn about Wayne State University’s Doctor of Pharmacy program. Jozyane Hayek, Academic Service Officer III will be facilitating this Information Session hosted by Carmen Gamlin, Director & Advisor of Pre-Health Programs at the University of Detroit Mercy. Pathways to the traditional PharmD program will be shared as well as the 7-year PharmD program in partnership with local universities.

Carmen Gamlin, Pre-Health Counselor is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Wayne State University PharmD Info Session Traditional & 7-Year PharmD
Time: Jan 31, 2023 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 981 2293 2257
Passcode: PharmD
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Dial by your location
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+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 360 209 5623 US
+1 386 347 5053 US
+1 507 473 4847 US
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+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 689 278 1000 US
+1 719 359 4580 US
+1 253 205 0468 US
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 981 2293 2257
Passcode: 632498
Find your local number: https://udmercy-edu.zoom.us/u/aJdPkug1K



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Committee Letter Process 2023 for current Pre-Health Titans and Alumni

 Although it is coordinated by the College of Engineering and Science, the Committee Letter Process is for any University of Detroit Mercy student or alum who will apply to masters or doctoral programs in healthcare regardless of your major.


Come to the live CLP Kickoff  

Hosts: Dr. Matthew Mio & Carmen Gamlin 

Monday, Jan 9, 2023 04:00 PM 

Join Zoom Meeting  

Meeting ID: 952 4000 2642  Passcode: Titan 

Start Your Committee Letter Application today. 

Overview of all Committee Letter Process, CLP 

The most common healthcare disciplines that use Committee Letters are Dentistry, Medicine (MD/DO), Optometry, Pharmacy, and Podiatry. As in previous years, it is in 4 sections: 

 (1) General Information 

 (2) Knowledge of the Profession and Clinical / Patient Experience 

 (3) Extracurricular Activities (non-healthcare related) 

 (4) Reflecting on Detroit Mercy Competencies with Waiver 


In preparation of this Committee Letter Process and graduate school applications the following resources are available and encouraged for your review.  

The due date for all sections of this application is Friday, March 17, 2023, by 11:59 PM EST. In addition to completing this CLP application, you will schedule a meeting with the pre-health advisor, Carmen Gamlin to record a brief introduction to your application. This CLP Introduction is like a video Personal Statement. “How I know I am meant to be a… Dentist, Pharmacist, Physician” will be recorded in Zoom. Please review the above recorded workshops to get you started.  Starting January 9, 2023, you can schedule your brief introduction that will be shared with the 3 Faculty Committee. The video recording must be completed on or before Friday, March 31, 2023. 

The recorded introduction, copy of your transcript(s) from all institutions and this CLP application is received by the Pre-Health Advisor for review to confirm completion. The completed packet is then sent to the faculty committee to which you will be randomly assigned for review and evaluation. You can reference the 2023 CLP Rubric for insight into this process. Committee interviews are all online and will be scheduled after finals between May 1st- May 10th, 2022. 

There will be 4 interview prep workshops in April facilitated in Zoom. These workshops are to prepare you for the online Committee Letter interviews and all CASPer, KIRA or AAMC assessments that you will have to complete for 2023/2024 application process. See the Assessment at a Glance document.  

Or by appointment: calendly.com/prehealthadvisor  

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December 2022 Pre-Health Advisor for Current Students and Alumni

Part 1. Pre-Health Advisor updates:  Fall re-cap and Looking to Winter Semester 12 22 PreHealth Update.docx

Part 2. The Gift of Networking with Titan Alumni: The Gift of Networking with Titan Alumni 12 22.docx






Part 3. All Pre-Health Titans: Activities, Research & Post Baccalaureate Programs

Part 4. 2023 Committee Letter Corner: folder & Committee on Pre-Health Advising and Evaluation App (2023-2024)

Part 5. Healthcare Careers by Interest – Each title takes you to the folder in the Detroit Mercy Pre-Health Students and Alumni digital library. The update document is the link next to the title.  

Carmen Gamlin,  MA LPC  (She/Her/Hers)
Director & Advisor for Pre-Health ProgramsCollege of Engineering & Science, E125
4001 West McNichols Road Detroit, Michigan 48221-3038
Schedule an advising session: calendly.com/prehealthadvisor
Posted in #jesuit, #pre-health, #pre-pharmacy, 3 + 4 Program, 3 +3 PharmD, Allopathic Medicine MD, Audiology, Biochemistry, BioMed Masters or PhD programs, Biomedical Sciences, Clinical Experience for Pre-Health Students, Community Service, DAT, Early Acceptance / Admission/ Assurance, Early Admission Program, Events for Pre-Health Titans, Gap Year, Genetic Counseling, Histotechnology / Clinical Lab Science, MCAT, MD/PhD or DO/PhD, Nursing, Osteopathic Medicine, PhD Biomed, Post Bach, Pre-Clinical Lab Science, Pre-Dent, Pre-Health Advising, Pre-Med, Pre-Occupational Therapy, Pre-Optometry, Pre-PA, Pre-Pharm, Pre-Physical Therapy, Pre-Podiatry, Pre-Vet, Public health, Research for Pre-Health Students, Summer programs for Pre-Health Titans, Titan Alumni, Uncategorized, undergraduate research | Tagged | Comments Off on December 2022 Pre-Health Advisor for Current Students and Alumni

Detroit Mercy preps for 4th cycle of Michigan State University CHM- Early Assurance Program

MSU College of Human Medicine  

Early Assurance Timeline  

2022/2023 Cycle for Detroit Mercy Titans 

Preference for Michigan State University College of Human Medicine – Early Assurance Program admissions will be given to those who meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • First generation college student
  • Graduate of a low-income high school as defined by the U.S. Department of Education
  • Eligible for, or a recipient of, an undergraduate PELL or institutional need-based grant
  • Graduate from an underserved (health professional shortage) urban or rural area
  • Demonstrates interest in a high-need medical specialty or practicing in a medically underserved community

November 2022


  1. December 5, 2022 MSU CHM EAP application goes live with updated online application. It will be due February 5, 2023 before midnight! 
  2. Altius Mock exam ½ length exam to direct your December studies. Highly Encouraged, but not mandatory. 
  3. Review the Info Session for 2023/2024 that was recorded Early Assurance Informational Session 2022.mp4 
  4. Resume updated to give to perspective letter writers. You can use your own resume with a different format. If you need support with your resume then you can view this Resume for Pre-health Titan.mp4 and edit your draft. You can drop drafts in the TEAMS chat.   
  5. Cover Letter that requests the letters of evaluation with a different timeline than other pre-meds. You need to look at the MCAT test dates and know that the latest for you is the June 17, 2023 date. The Score release date is July 18, 2023. Whenever your score is released that is the earliest that you should press submit on your AMCAS; this is to know if you are applying only to MSUCHM or in the regular application pool.  
  6. Register for the CASPer EXAM This year, the CASPer exam is the first time of the new application cycle in May. You could take it in January 17th but it is no longer required for the initial application for MSUCHMEAP. It will be taken at the time you are doing the MCAT and AMCAS – not the MSUCHM-EAP that is due in February. Fee to take Altus Suite: $85 (USD) Includes distribution of results to 8 programs  
  7. Meeting with Carmen for personal statement discussion week of December 6 https://calendly.com/prehealthadvisor  
  8. If you want to record your personal statement video then it needs to be after your finals the week of December 13 or the first week in January at the latest.  You will not likely have your personal statement written before you ask for letters of evaluation so you want to give them something to understand your passion for not just medicine but the communities for the MSUCHM EAP. The link to your recording can be in your letter of request for evaluations to both faculty and community mentors.  
  9. Personal Statement workshop for MSUCHM EAP students is Thursday, December 15, 2022 at 12:45 pm in Zoom, Meeting ID: 994 8929 0772 
  10. After Fall 2022 and before Winter 2023 MCAT studies intensity 


  • Week of January 3rd – Latest to send out requests for letters of evaluation to professors and off campus letter writers. You will not be in the Committee letter process for this application. You can engage in the Committee Letter process for the plan B which is if you have to apply beyond MSUCHM-EAP.  
  • Meet with Carmen Gamlin to review your essays in your application, Schedule using this website: https://calendly.com/prehealthadvisor.  You should know that this application is as large as the AMCAS application with Personal statement, activity essays, secondary essays, directory information etc.  
  • Review basic interview prep: If selected to interview in March you will have both traditional interviews as well as multiple mini-interviews. Watch this recording for basic interviews. Mastering the Interviewing Process, pitch prep and MMI intro.mp4 
  • Continued MCAT review – You should have done at least 1 full length practice this month to note your need for stamina for 7.5 hours exam.  


  • 2/5/23 by 11:59 pm Application is due to MSUCHM EAP 
  • Schedule individual appointment for regular & Multiple Mini Interviews MSUCHM EAP https://calendly.com/prehealthadvisor 
  • 2/11 Gamlin will be able to print your completed application from the portal. 
  • Monday, 2/20/2023 Your Letters of Evaluation are due to Gamlin sent on Letterhead and signed. The email is prehealth@udmercy.edu 
  • MSUCHM EAP- College of Engineering & Science Committee reviews packages and meets to review each Detroit Mercy MSUCHM EAP candidate to decide if they will endorse the applicant Tuesday 2/21 – 2/24. 
  • Monday, 2/28/ 2023 Endorsement packages are due to be uploaded to the MSU CHM-EAP portal with full packet: Endorsement committee letter, 3 letters of Recommendation, Transcripts 


  • 3/1 – 3/10/2023 MSUCHM reviews Application and Endorsement packet for Interview Decisions 
  • March 2, 12:45 MMI Interview Prep Workshop for MSUCHM- EAP https://udmercy-edu.zoom.us/j/98471805556 Meeting ID: 984 7180 5556 Group emphasis 
  • March 6 – 11 Mid-Winter Break Recess 
  • Week of March 13 – Interview Invitations to selected applicants; unsuccessful applicants notified by email. Pre-health advisors notified.  
  • 3/16/23 by 5:00 pm – Deadline for applicants to accept the invitation to interview.  
  • 3/29/23 Virtual Interview Day. Half day with MMI & 30 Minute Interviews 


  • 4/1/23 MSUCHM Committee makes Confidential slate of potentially successful applicants, pending MCAT results.  
  • 4/21/23 Applicants will be notified of any decision / next steps post – Committee meeting by end of day. 
  • April 29, 2023 Official End of Winter Semester at University of Detroit Mercy 



  • 6/17/23 Last date to take the MCAT for EAP applicants.  Scores released July 18 


  • 7/31/23 Deadline for Submitting AMCAS Application as an Early Assurance Program type applicant.


Carmen Gamlin,  MA LPC
Director & Advisor Pre-Health Programs
(248) 905 1323 Schedule an Appointment: calendly.com/prehealthadvisor 

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Application Types, Timelines and Guaranteed Interviews for Pre-Health Titans

Applying to Graduate School in the Health Professions can be an intense time! Students are often overwhelmed by deadlines and timelines and are not always clear about the right time to apply.  Carmen Gamlin, Director & Advisor for Pre-Health Programs goes over the different application types specifically for Detroit Mercy Titans and Prospective Titans. She also reviews Early Decision Programs and their timelines.

If you are already accelerating your timeline to a bachelor’s degree graduation with AP/IB/CLEP or dual enrollment (early college) then a Gap Year or Enhance Year may be ideal for you! 

Graduating with your bachelor’s degree in 3 years does not mean that you apply to graduate schools in the health professions after just 2 years in college – even if you have junior standing. Graduate schools in the health professions do not share your application urgency. It takes more than classes to prepare to save lives.

An enhancement year is your opportunity to build a more competitive application before applying to graduate school.  Through your clinical activities, shadowing, community service, leadership and perhaps research, you can then have an application that is not just academically complete but holistically competitive. 

These are things you can apply to while you are in college.

Jesuit Preference means Guaranteed Interviews at Regis University or Creighton University

You should know that you are graduating from the University of Detroit Mercy which is the only Jesuit college or university in the State of Michigan. We are part of the Jesuit consortium with 26 colleges or universities throughout the United States. Knowing this,  graduating from the University of Detroit Mercy with Jesuit Preference is exciting!

  • If you are a qualified applicant and graduate from the University of Detroit Mercy, then Regis University & Creighton University will give you guaranteed interviews for Physical Therapy.
  • Creighton will give you a guaranteed interview for PharmD applications
  • If you meet the pre-requisite courses and GPA, Regis University PharmD will guarantee your admissions! 

LECOM Guaranteed Interviews for Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy

As a Preferred Affiliated University, Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine, LECOM guarantees interviews for qualified applicants who will graduate from the University of Detroit Mercy in the following areas:

  • Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, DO
  • Doctor of Medical Dentistry. DMD
  • Doctor of Pharmacy, PharmD programs

Work with Carmen Gamlin, Director and Advisor of Pre-Health Programs during your undergraduate semesters to insure you are a qualified applicant. Go Titans!!!!

Early Decision: Allopathic (MD) WSU-SOM & CMU-COM

Early Decision Program is something specific to allopathic medicine or MD. We have two early decision programs here in the State of Michigan: one is Wayne State University School of Medicine, and the other is Central Michigan University College of Medicine. Application is early in the AMCAS cycle. The earliest Medical School applications are the summer after your junior year in college.

If your favorite medical school program is one of these two and you want to potentially save on application fees then check and see if you are eligible.

Early Assurance Program: MSUCHM

We’re one of the affiliated undergraduate institutions with Michigan State University College of Human Medicine. This is applied through AMCAS during your regular bachelor’s degree. You would typically apply the summer after your junior year, but with the Early Assurance Program, you apply in the winter of your junior year before the AMCAS application cycle even opens. You will be taking the MCAT very early in the summer; at the latest it would be mid-June.

Early Acceptance: LECOM DO Program

Early acceptance from LECOM has 2 formats. Assuming your bachelor’s degree is 4 years and you are eligible for the 3+4 program, then your senior year is going to be your first year of graduate school. LECOM Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine is a DO, osteopathic school and the largest US medical school in the country.

Current Titans would apply either during your freshmen or sophomore semesters of college.  If you are a Prospective Titan, then can apply to the LECOM Early Acceptance Program during your senior year of high school before you even start college. For the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic program, you cannot apply during your junior or senior year of college because you have to have at least two years left in your undergraduate degree to be eligible to apply for LECOM.

Early Acceptance:

WSU PharmD 3+4 or

Wayne State University PharmD program and the University of Detroit Mercy have a 3+4 option. Your senior year is also the P1, the first year of pharmacy school. Pharmacy school is four years long, that’s why it’s 3+4.

Early Acceptance:

University of St. Joseph 3 + 3 PharmD

We also have a 3+3 program with University of Saint Joseph PharmD program which is located in Connecticut. Their PharmD program is already just three years. They go year-round as opposed to having months off in the summer.  It is the same process; three years of your 4-year bachelor’s degree then your senior year becomes your first year of pharmacy school. Of course, just applying to this Mercy University’s PharmD program even without the early acceptance program you have 4 +3.


Reach out to the University Director & Advisor for Pre-Health Programs for Titans and prospective Titans, Carmen Gamlin. To schedule an appointment use https://calendly.com/prehealthadvisor 


Posted in #pre-pharmacy, 3 + 4 Program, 3 +3 PharmD, Allopathic Medicine MD, Early Acceptance / Admission/ Assurance, Gap Year, MD/PhD or DO/PhD, Osteopathic Medicine, Post Bach, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Application Types, Timelines and Guaranteed Interviews for Pre-Health Titans

LECOM Info Session with Early Acceptance Program for Detroit Mercy Titans

Our nation’s largest medical school is Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine. Dustin Cassell, LECOM Director of Admissions will provide an overview of the traditional and Early Acceptance Program for the University of Detroit Mercy Titans, which is our 7-year DO! Carmen Gamlin, Director & Advisor for Pre-Health Programs will host this information Session in Zoom. All prospective Titans, current Titans and Titan alumni are encouraged to attend. 

  • Prospective Titans can apply in their Senior Year of High School to the Early Acceptance Program.
  • Current Titans can apply before they finish their sophomore semesters or typically have completed 60 credits
  • Alumni can network with LECOM Admissions to plan application strategies. 

Topic: LECOM Early Acceptance Program with Dustin Cassell, Director of Admissions
Time: Sep 29, 2022 12:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 988 5927 3425
Passcode: LECOM
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+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 719 359 4580 US
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 386 347 5053 US
+1 564 217 2000 US
Meeting ID: 988 5927 3425
Passcode: 735910
Find your local number: https://udmercy-edu.zoom.us/u/ayar9R5U

If you are in need of pre-health advising as an alum, or current/prospective Titan then schedule an advising session: calendly.com/prehealthadvisor

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The World’s First Engineering-Based College of Medicine Information Session 12:45 – 1:45 Eastern Sept 27

Carle Illinois College of Medicine shares the exciting launch of the World’s First Engineering-based College o Medicine. Jessica Williams, Associate Director of Admissions shares preparation, timeline and how this medical school is unique to those with Engineering & Science backgrounds. The University of Detroit Mercy’s Director & Advisor for Pre-Health Programs, Carmen Gamlin hosts this event.

Carmen Gamlin, Pre-Health Counselor is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Carle Illinois College of Medicine
Time: Sep 27, 2022 12:45 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 923 7607 8703
Passcode: Carle
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,92376078703#,,,,*474571# US (Chicago)
+16469313860,,92376078703#,,,,*474571# US

Dial by your location
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
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+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 309 205 3325 US
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 386 347 5053 US
+1 564 217 2000 US
+1 669 444 9171 US
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 719 359 4580 US
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 923 7607 8703
Passcode: 474571
Find your local number: https://udmercy-edu.zoom.us/u/asi2VqiPv


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Pre-Health Advisor Sept 12

Allied Health  

Allopathic (MD) / Osteopathic (DO) Medicine 

  • Carle Illinois University College of Medicine (MD) First Engineering Based Medical School Info Session: Tuesday, September 27 12:45 – 1:45 Meeting ID: 923 7607 8703 Passcode: Carle 
  • LECOM Osteopathic Admissions and the Early Acceptance Program Information Session September 29, 12:45 am –  
  • Michigan State University College of Human Medicine (MD) Info Session: Tuesday, October 4 12:45 – 1:45 Meeting ID: 960 2655 6584 Passcode: MSUCHM 

  • American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine (AUC) is confident in our students and their ability to successfully transition to the rigorous demands of medical school. You see, we so wholeheartedly believe in you and your ability to succeed that we’re willing to refund your first-semester tuition if you don’t pass. Learn More. 

Dentistry (DMD /DDS)  

Genetic Counseling 

  •  University of Michigan Genetic Counseling Masters program Open House. Register by October 1st for the 10/14 In person or 10/19 Webinar 
  • Wayne State University Genetic Counseling Graduate Program Webinar: Preparing your GC Program Application Friday, October 14, 2022 1:00 – 2:30 PM Register in advance for this meeting. 

Naturopathic Medicine / Chiropractic Medicine 

Nursing (Post-Bachelor’s Nursing) 

  • University of Detroit Mercy Nursing programs: MSON Info Sheet_Comparison of SDO vs. MEAGN.pdf 
  • Johns Hopkins School of Nursing Sept 12 – MSN Entry in Nursing Online Chat which is a great way to ask any questions you may have, or see other questions being asked that you may not have thought to ask yourself. There are more programs on this newsleter.  

Occupational Therapy 

  • If you’re interested in one of ATSU’s OT programs, we highly recommend attending a ”virtual” Information Session, held at 2:30 pm MST. Click here to select a day. Each session is identical which will cover the application process and the curriculum for both the Master of Science in Occupational Therapy (MSOT) and the Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD) program. 



Physical Therapy 

Physician Assistant (PA) 

  •  Detroit Mercy Physician Assistant information meetings are held the 3rd Monday evening of each month from 5:30pm to 7:30pm. Go Titans! September 19th Meeting ID: 982 1360 5936 Passcode: 785750 
  • Michigan State University Physician Assistant Masters: Join us for one of the following Program Informational Webinars to discuss program admissions requirements and guidance, with an opportunity for Q&A: September 19, 2022 12:00 – 1:00 PM Register for the webinar here. 

Post Baccalaureate Programs 

 Public Health 

 Speech Language Pathology 

  • A.T. Still Master of Science in Speech Language Pathology Virtual Information Sessions Tuesday 9/20 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM, Monday 10/10 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM, or Friday 11/11 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM  

Veterinary Medicine, DVM 

Michigan State University Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Program Information Sessions for the 2023-24 cycle: Dates for the 2023-24 cycle: 

  • November 18, 2022 
  • December 16, 2022 
  • February 17, 2023 
  • May 19, 2023 
  • June 16, 2023 
  • Registration opens 60 days before and closes 7 days before session date. Register here. 

Separate sessions are held for students who are more than two years away from applying.Learn more here. 

Posted in #pre-health, #pre-pharmacy, 3 + 4 Program, 3 +3 PharmD, Allopathic Medicine MD, BioMed Masters or PhD programs, Biomedical Sciences, Clinical Experience for Pre-Health Students, Community Service, DAT, Early Acceptance / Admission/ Assurance, Early Admission Program, Events for Pre-Health Titans, Genetic Counseling, Nursing, Osteopathic Medicine, PhD Biomed, Post Bach, Pre-Dent, Pre-Health Advising, Pre-Med, Pre-Occupational Therapy, Pre-Optometry, Pre-PA, Pre-Pharm, Pre-Physical Therapy, Pre-Vet, Public health | Comments Off on Pre-Health Advisor Sept 12

Early Medical School Acceptance Program for University of Detroit Mercy Titans

The Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine (LECOM) is the nation’s largest medical college and is the only Academic Health Center in the osteopathic profession. University of Detroit Mercy’s Director of Pre-Health Programs, Carmen Gamlin will host LECOM’s Director of Admissions, Dustin Cassell for an Information Session on Thursday, September 29th at 12:45 Eastern.

Director Cassell will provide details on the traditional and EAP Admissions for the LECOM Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine Program.

Join Us Titans and Prospective Titans!

September 29, 2022, 12:45 PM 

Topic: LECOM Early Acceptance Program with Dustin Cassell
Time: Sep 29, 2022 12:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

One tap mobile
+13017158592,,98859273425#,,,,*735910# US (Washington DC)
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+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 719 359 4580 US
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 386 347 5053 US
+1 564 217 2000 US
Meeting ID: 988 5927 3425
Passcode: 735910
Find your local number: https://udmercy-edu.zoom.us/u/ayar9R5U

LECOM has developed a special Early Acceptance Programs with select  undergraduate colleges and universities that grant qualified students a provisional early acceptance to LECOM’s  College of Osteopathic Medicine. The University of Detroit Mercy has both the 4+4 and the 3+4 programs. This could permit University of Detroit Mercy Titans  the opportunity to start medical school at LECOM prior to their final year of their bachelors degree. That could be the 7-Year DO program! Go Pre-Med Titans!


If you are a high school senior or current Titan with questions, then schedule an appointment with Carmen Gamlin, the Pre-Health Advisor https://calendly.com/prehealthadvisor.

Posted in Early Acceptance / Admission/ Assurance, Early Admission Program, Osteopathic Medicine, Pre-Med | Comments Off on Early Medical School Acceptance Program for University of Detroit Mercy Titans

Pre-Health Advisor Friday 15 – September 2, 2022

Pre-Health Advisor 

Faculty Focus 

  • Watch brief videos of our faculty sharing their research, courses or advice to Pre-Health Titans. You can network with faculty that you have never had for a class as a Titan! 
  • Interested in non-traditional research with our Physics Prof, Dr. Prasad Venugopal? Check this out and contact him at venugoep@udmercy.edu. Set yourself apart with this amazing work Titans.  

Allied Health  

Allopathic (MD) / Osteopathic (DO) Medicine 

  • Carle Illinois University College of Medicine (MD) First Engineering Based Medical School Info Session: Tuesday, September 27 12:45 – 1:45 Meeting ID: 923 7607 8703 Passcode: Carle 

Biomed Graduate Programs 

Dentistry (DMD /DDS) 

Nursing (Post-Bachelor’s Nursing) 

Occupational Therapy 

  • Wayne State‘s Master of Occupational Therapy Information Session  Tuesday, September 6, 6:00 pm online. 
  • University of Michigan Flint Doctor of Occupational Therapy (entry level like Masters)  


  • Optometry Virtual Fair October 6, 2022, 9 – 7  (Stop in anytime your schedule permits) 
  • Future Eye Doctor! 
  • Titans are getting excited about the possibility of a new Optometry program in Southeastern Michigan. Meet with me to plan your pre-requisites courses and activities.  


Physical Therapy 

Physician Assistant (PA) 

Public Health 

Veterinary Medicine, DVM 

Posted in #pre-health, #pre-pharmacy, Allopathic Medicine MD, BioMed Masters or PhD programs, Biomedical Sciences, Early Acceptance / Admission/ Assurance, Events for Pre-Health Titans, Faculty Facts, Nursing, Osteopathic Medicine, PhD Biomed, Pre-Dent, Pre-Health Advising, Pre-Med, Pre-Occupational Therapy, Pre-Optometry, Pre-PA, Pre-Pharm, Pre-Physical Therapy, Pre-Vet, Public health, Titan Alumni, undergraduate research | Comments Off on Pre-Health Advisor Friday 15 – September 2, 2022