Detroit Mercy Master’s Entry Advanced Generalist Nursing (MEAGN) Program

University of Detroit Mercy – McAuley School of Nursing offers a Master’s in Nursing for those who have obtained a Bachelor’s Degree, in any field of study. That’s right, you do not have to be a nurse to earn this degree!

The Master’s Entry Advanced Generalist Nursing Program, also known as the MEAGN Program is a graduate-level degree program that allows individuals to earn a Master’s level degree in Nursing in less than 17 months. That is a little under five semesters! Pre-Health Advisor Carmen Gamlin spoke with Graduate Nursing Recruiter Julie Bazydlo as she outlined the basis of the MEAGN Program and how students can apply.


  1. What does this accelerated program look like in load and timeline?

In five semesters, you graduate with a Master’s in Nursing, so it’s a perk!

2. What are the benefits of a nursing program being Masters entry level?

So this is the first of its kind in Michigan… You graduate with your Masters in Nursing. You’re eligible to sit for the NCLEX and become a Registered Nurse. 

3. How would someone apply for admission?

You would apply right on the website, its FREE!

4. After graduation, what are the options?

[Students] pass their NCLEX can become an RN and then you don’t have to go for another Master’s Program…If you want to do advanced nursing, you just have to go for a post-masters certificate.

Please use this link to learn more about the MEAGN Program!

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Selena Alyass, Detroit Mercy Alum and Histotechnologist

Detroit Mercy Alum Selena Alyass, now has a career as a Histotechnologist. Pre-Health Advisor, Carmen Gamlin sat down with Selena for a 3-Question Interview to discuss the role of Histotechnology in relation to healthcare, her road to becoming a Histotechnologist and fond memories of her time as a Detroit Mercy Titan.

So it’s a team effort. It’s something I like about it. It’s like you’re independent, you’re working by yourself, but you need to get your portion done…you’re working all together in this lab but you’re working on your own singular thing at a time.

1. I believe that we only know what we have been exposed to. Many Titans have not been exposed to the career of a Histotechnologist. What do you do ?

Selena begin the interview by discussing what a histotechnologist does and their role in patient care. Essentially, Histo Techs prepare tissue samples to be tested. She provides a general overview of this process.

So we begin with receiving tissue samples. So if you ever had a biopsy done, that’s what we get…So those tissue samples come in a fixative, which we then place in our processing machines and continue fixation and these subsequent steps. After they come off these processors, we embed the tissue in a mold and making sure whatever part of the tissue the pathologist is going to want to examine, making sure they are placed the right way. Once those are cooled down, we take those blocks of tissue now and put them in a microtome…and that’s when we start to section the tissue and cut it up, creating very thin sections of tissues, forming a ribbon which we then place into a warm water bath. We take a microscope slide and pick that section of tissue and once we do that, have 40-60 of these slides we can place them onto our stainers and stain them with H&E Staining.


Later on if a pathologist needs some more staining, like special staining or immunostaining, they will order those stains so it helps them diagnose whatever they need to diagnose for a patient.

2.  Launching careers after a science bachelors is exciting. Perhaps there is a class or two that you know best prepared you for your current career.

Selena credits Detroit Mercy’s Histology Lecture and Lab course for introducing her to Histology and laying out the foundation for her to be successful in her current career. She expresses joy and gratefulness for deciding to take both courses stating that she originally only took the courses because she needed the extra Biology Credits!

The Histology lecture and lab is what introduced me into becoming a Histo Tech. The lab was crucial, very important to what I do. In the lab we got to embed the tissue, we started with everything from like dissecting from rat, picking our fixatives to embedding that tissue and then using a microtome. I wasn’t that great using the microtome back then, I’ve definitely gotten better but that lab is what gave me that structure to like everything I know now. It gave me all that background knowledge. So without that, I would not be where I am now.

3. Share a fond memory of your time as an undergraduate at the University of Detroit Mercy.

Selena shares memories of undergrad with her best friend from high school. She tell of times of studying all around the campus and how her and her best friend went through many of the lab courses together.

So for me, when I look back at school, I remember all my memories with my best friend. We were both Biology majors and so we had to go through all of this together…I think we tested out every study room on campus to  figure out our favorites. So we will be in there cramming before an exam, teaching each other things, helping each other out and so it was nice to be able to go through that with her.

Connect with Selena Alyass on LinkedIn

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College of Engineering and Science Undergraduate Research Week 2022

Happy Spring Titans!!!

This week marks College of Engineering and Science Undergraduate Research Week (URW) and the Department of Biology and Chemistry/Bio-Chemistry is encouraging everyone to help celebrate undergraduate research students.

When: URW is a nationwide celebration, we will celebrate April 12 and 14.

Why: Because we want to highlight the AMAZING research that our AMAZING students perform!

What: Two in-person events for ALL students in the college of Engineering and Science to participate in!

Tuesday April 12 12:45-2pm : Lightning Talks (Chemistry 114)

To highlight the research done by our students at Detroit Mercy, we have asked students to present their research in a lightning talk format. Students will be submitting one PowerPoint slide and describing their research efforts within a 2 minute window. If you are interested in participating, please register using the Lighting Talk Registration Form. After registration, you will be contacted with more information.

Thursday April 14 12:45-2pm : Thank-a-scholar Social (Life Sciences Courtyard)

Join your fellow student-researchers and faculty for a feast! Food will be provided for undergraduate scholars to come and socialize with other students, faculty, and staff! Whether it is your first year in a lab, or you are close to graduation, come to eat and socialize. Please rsvp by April 7th so that we can estimate food.

**Research Excellence Award: For the second year, the Departments of Biology and Chemistry & Biochemistry would like to honor students who have excelled in their research programs. Nominations for this award must be completed by the Faculty advisor using the Nomination Form. We recommend that the awardee nominated for the award also present at the Lightning talks. Therefore, Faculty members, please remind the student you have nominated to register for the lightning talk. The awards will be announced at the end of the Student Research Lightning Talks and students will also be recognized at the College of Engineering and Science Slide Rule and Honors Convocation.

Titans come out and celebrate with your peers and help celebrate their hard work and diligence in research!

Undergraduate Research Week, is an annual event! View the website to see photos of past URW Events!

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Two Live Online Test Prep courses! DAT and MCAT Summer 2022

Attention Pre-Dentistry and Pre-Medicine Titans! 

The Pre-Healthcare – Professional Development Strategies course is designed to help students prepare their applications to graduate schools including preparation for the Dental Admission Test or the Medical College Admission Test as required for graduate school applications. Students will engage in live online review and strategy sessions, full length practice examinations and independent study to optimize their performance on the national examinations and applications.

  • Live online test prep for DAT and separate section for the MCAT
  • Application and interview strategies through individual and small group appointments – Instructor Carmen Gamlin​​​

SCIE 2400 2022.jpg


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Pre-Health Advising for Titan students and Alumni

Workshop Wednesdays
12:15 – 1:00
7 Winter 2022 Workshops for Pre-Health Titans

Hey Pre-Health Titan!

Check out your resources

  • Graduate school application support: Personal Statements, timelines etc.

  • Interview prep for graduate schools in the health professions: Panel / MMI

  • Pre-Health Advising – schedule using com/prehealthadvisor

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University of St. Joseph 6-year PharmD with Detroit Mercy

Pre-Health Titans! Did you know that University of Detroit Mercy offers a 6-year BS to BS-PharmD Program?! The University collaborates with University of Saint Joseph in Hartford, CT that allow students to earn a Bachelor of Science in Biology as well as a Doctor of Pharmacy degree in just six years! Titans in this accelerated program complete their first three years at Detroit Mercy and the last three years at University of Saint Joseph.  Two representatives from St. Joseph, Dr. Angela Skyers and Jim Henkel spoke with Pre-Health Advisor, Carmen Gamlin to discuss exactly how this program works. It is also important to note that like University of Detroit Mercy, University of Saint Joseph is a University rooted in the Mercy Traditions. Our universities are two of the 16 Mercy Colleges and Universities.

We already have a 3 year PharmD program. What that means is that your students would spend the first three years of their education on your campus, taking prerequisites an accumulating around 100 credits …. and then in their 4th year, they come here (St. Joseph’s University) and they start their PharmD program. Those credits they take in their first year of pharmacy gets transferred back to Detroit Mercy (for graduation). 

1. Please share how the PharmD program is complete in just 3 years and the University of St. Joseph.

University of Saint Joseph’s Representative Jim Henkel explains that their PharmD Program go all-year around with some breaks versus the traditional PharmD program that goes for Fall and Winter Semesters with breaks in the summer. In addition, students in this program are able to take on more credits in a term. The structure of their specific program hold six hours classes a day which allows for one credit of course material to be covered in just a few days versus the traditional 15 weeks.

We do that by using a modular approach. So each of our classes goes six hours a day for as many days as it takes to cover the material.

The students take roughly 20 credits a term, but we don’t just throw [it] all at them at once and say go learn this were going to test you on it. We mentor them very closely. We cover the material and then a certain amount of material in the day saying the morning session will talk for an hour with this lecture discussion. Then we spend a lot of the rest of that morning in small group learning and interactive learning where they practice what we just talked about.

The whole semester will be a series of modules with a few longitudinal ones built in where they go one day a week for five weeks [to] things like the laboratory…Most of the classes that would take a whole semester for a legacy program for a four year program, we can get a two credit course done in about five to six days depending on how it’s configured.

2. Metropolitan Detroit is one of the most diverse locations in the world. Ethnic, Religious and socioeconomic diversity is a perk of what we call home. Please share what a student can expect regarding diversity with the PharmD program and surrounding community.

So we really are a close-knit community here and our culture is so dominant in terms of how supportive we are to each other and when students come in, they naturally fit into that fold.-Dr. Angela Skyers

Dr. Angela Skyers glows about the city of Hartford, which is the Capital of the state of Connecticut and its central location and diversity.  It is fairly close to some very popular cities such as Boston and New York and there is truly a place for everyone! They spoke about the coastal towns, farmlands and wineries as well as explaining that Hartford has become more collegiate with many Universities being located in downtown Hartford as well as surrounding cities.

There’s an area in the city that has a whole lot of Latin X restaurants and activities going on….I think there’s a fairly good distribution of many other groups as well as Caribbean….It’s very diverse and you can tell the diversity based on the restaurants we have in the area.

[Referring to the student body] In most years we have no majority. The ethnic diversity there is no majority, there are pluralities…

We celebrate all of the various holidays…That’s one of the things we tell people is that if you come to a place like ours, a place like yours being that we are a Catholic Institution, we understand what faithfulness, faith means so we celebrate all the faiths.

So every month students are celebrated and those that don’t find that what they’d like to highlight isn’t already being focused on, they come to me and I say, let’s do it! Let’s celebrate you as well because you’re important as well. So there’s no lack of diversity initiatives that we will take to make everyone feel included here.

3.  Relocating for graduate school may result in relocating to the new home away from home. What is the social life and transportation needs near the University of St. Joseph?

Students coming to University of Saint Joseph in Connecticut will need transportation. Students in the PharmD Program will have rotations in which they will have to ensure that they have transportation to get to.

Especially for the introductory and advanced practice rotations that pharmacy students have to do, one of the conditions is that they have to provide their own transportation.


For free transcript evaluations, Titans can reach out to Dr. Skyers via email: or by phone (860) 231-5869.

Posted in #pre-pharmacy, 3 +3 PharmD, Early Acceptance / Admission/ Assurance, Early Admission Program, Pre-Pharm | Comments Off on University of St. Joseph 6-year PharmD with Detroit Mercy

One-on-One Advising with Deborah Holland, WSUSOM Pre-Med Advisor and Director

Titans, are you applying to Wayne State University School of Medicine in 2022 or 2023? If you are, this is a great opportunity to get resources as well as ask questions about the application process BEFORE it opens! Deborah Holland, Pre-Med Advisor and Director of the Post Baccalaureate Program from Wayne State University School of Medicine will be holding 30 Minute Advising Sessions THIS Thursday, January 27, 2022 between 9am-12pm via Zoom!


Access Code: Titans

Some topics that will be discussed are:

Use the link below or the QR Code to sign up.

Access code is Titans

Questions? Reach out to the Pre-Health Advisor for Titans, Carmen Gamlin through TEAMS.

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Winter 2022 Committee Letter Process is now Live!

Pre-Health Titans (students and alumni) who are applying to Graduate Schools in the Health Professions for the 2022/2023 cycle can now apply for a Committee Letter! The Application is available online and will be available until the closing date of March 6, 2022.

2022 Committee Letter Application 

Use the QR Code to Apply today!

  • Your progress will be saved as long as you use the same browser in which you initiated the committee letter application. 
  • If you have questions or are in need of assistance, then chat with Carmen Gamlin in TEAMS.
  • There are two Information Sessions facilitated by Dr. Matt Mio & Carmen Gamlin Tuesday, Jan 4, 2022, at 9:00 am & Thursday, Jan 27, 2022, at 4:00 pm Meeting ID: 973 4368 8584 Email gamlincd for the Passcode.
  • Look for the pre-health advising, Sway newsletter for live workshops dates and tips in “Committee Letter Corner” or the Digital Drive where Titans can access the “Committee Letter Corner” folder anytime.

For those Pre-Health Titans who are still unsure about applying for a Committee Letter, or the purpose and benefits of a Committee Letter, please review the information below. I am sure you will find that the Committee Letter will be an awesome asset to your Pre-Health Graduate School Application!

EXCEPTIONS to the Committee Letter

Committee Letter versus Individual Letter

Committee & Individual Letter Timeline for 2022/23 Cycle

Director of Admission at Detroit Mercy Dentistry, Dr. Steven Chang shares thoughts on the value of strong letters of recommendations!

Questions? Reach out to the Pre-Health Advisor for Titans, Carmen Gamlin through TEAMS.

Posted in #pre-health, #pre-pharmacy, Allopathic Medicine MD, Events for Pre-Health Titans, MCAT, Osteopathic Medicine, Post Bach, Pre-Dent, Pre-Health Advising, Pre-Med, Pre-Occupational Therapy, Pre-Optometry, Pre-PA, Pre-Pharm, Pre-Physical Therapy, Pre-Podiatry, Pre-Vet, Public health, Titan Alumni | Comments Off on Winter 2022 Committee Letter Process is now Live!

Four Pre-Winter 2022 workshops for pre-health Titans applying to graduate schools in the 2022/2023 cycles


Calling all Pre-Med, Pre-Dent, Pre-PA, Pre-PT, Pre-Pharm, Pre-Podiatry, Pre-Optometry, Pre-Vet and 2nd Degree Nursing students and alumni!

2022 Committee Letter Application is now open for those applying to graduate school in 2022!

  • Feel free to fill out this online application between now and the due date of March 6, 2022, by 11:59 pm.
  • Your progress will be saved as long as you use the same browser in which you initiated the committee letter application. 
  • If you have questions or are in need of assistance, then chat with Carmen Gamlin in TEAMS.
  • There are two Information Sessions facilitated by Dr. Matt Mio & Carmen Gamlin Tuesday, Jan 4, 2022, at 9:00 am & Thursday, Jan 27, 2022, at 12:45 pm
  • Look for the pre-health advising, Sway newsletter for live workshops dates and tips in “Committee Letter Corner”

Questions? Reach out to the Pre-Health Advisor for Titans, Carmen Gamlin through TEAMS.

Posted in #pre-health, #pre-pharmacy, Allopathic Medicine MD, Events for Pre-Health Titans, MCAT, Osteopathic Medicine, Post Bach, Pre-Health Advising, Pre-Med, Pre-Occupational Therapy, Pre-Optometry, Pre-PA, Pre-Pharm, Pre-Physical Therapy, Pre-Podiatry, Pre-Vet, Public health, Titan Alumni | Comments Off on Four Pre-Winter 2022 workshops for pre-health Titans applying to graduate schools in the 2022/2023 cycles

MCAT Half-Length Practice Exam Saturday, January 8th 9:30 Eastern Standard Time

Join Altius Test Prep an exciting look at the real MCAT experience. Learn from TOP scoring Pre-Med Peers. Take a free half-length proctored exam! Gain a baseline score to see where you are in your personal MCAT preparation. We look forward to be hosting this group event with you all. 

  • Normally $40 – but yours for Free
  • Six months free access to testing and score improvement tools
  • Training and instruction on accurate MCAT materials and methods
  • Everyone who attends receives a $500 MCAT Prep Voucher.
  • Drawing for one HALF-TUITION SCHOLARSHIP ($1249 value)
  • Reserve My Spot

Half-Length MCAT Proctored Exam

Saturday, January 8, 2022

9:30 am – 10:30 am Eastern Time

Hosted virtually via Zoom

*Zoom information will be sent out the day prior to the event

PLEASE sign up for this FREE event on Jan. 8th – Oakland, Wayne State, & Detroit Mercy (Virtual Event)

Reserve My Spot

We look forward to testing with you!

 Ryan Ellefsen

MCAT Expert for Oakland, Wayne State, and University of Detroit Mercy Premeds

(435) 671-5783 Ext. 200

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