Yindra Puentas is a Detroit Mercy Alum who in this compelling interview, discusses how her love for Science, Mathematics and Bio-Statistics led her to a career as a MCAT & AP Science Project Manager at UWorld; a company that provides prep materials for Medical Boarding Exams!
“To this date, UWorld has become so successful that over 90% of medical students uses us every year to prepare for their boarding exams.”
Yindra offers recommendations for students studying for Medical Boarding Exams.
“Dive In! The only way you’re going to be able to practice for an exam is by practicing with exam questions.”

“All the things that I said I loved kind of came together at UWorld in a very serendipitous way”
Stay connected with Yindra Puentes through linkedin!
If you are in need of pre-health advising and plan to be a University of Detroit Mercy student then schedule an appointment with Carmen Gamlin via https://calendly.com/prehealthadvisor