Fr. Gerald F. Cavanagh, S.J., the Charles T. Fisher III Chair of Business Ethics at Detroit Mercy, has been recognized as one of the 12 scholars who founded the field of business ethics.
Interviews with the 12 are printed in the latest issue of the professional journal Business & Society.
The publication of the Business & Society interview lets everyone else know what we’ve known for years.
In an article published in November 2016, College of Business Administration Dean Joe Eisenhauer wrote, “Fr. Cavanagh was among the earliest pioneers who studied the social responsibility of business. In the 1960s and 1970s (when he first began work in this field), it was not yet recognized as a distinct sub-discipline within Management as it is today; his contributions helped make it so. …He has published 5 books, more than 30 peer-reviewed journal articles and 20 chapters, as well as encyclopedia and magazine articles, monographs and proceedings papers. His work has had tremendous impact: according to Google Scholar, his research has been cited well over 1,800 times—a remarkable achievement for a faculty member at a teaching-focused institution, whose career began before the Internet came into existence.”
In Fr. Cavanagh’s honor, the College annually awards the Cavanagh Scholarship to the business student who performs the most meaningful service-learning.
Dear Fr. Gerald F. Cavanagh, S.J.,
Took one or more of your MBA Business classes. Trust all is well.
John Karam ‘1983