Dr. Barbara Cushing and her late husband, Dr. Ralph Cushing, made a significant gift to the College of Health Professions facility expansion earlier this year, naming a student examination room in the name of Dr. William C. Montgomery.
You can read about that gift and others by the Cushings as well as why Montgomery was such an inspiration here.
Montgomery passed away several years ago and no one from his family was able to attend a ribbon-cutting ceremony at the opening of the facility in April. The University recently arranged a lunch between Barbara Cushing and Ed Montgomery, the son of William C. Montgomery.
Ed Montgomery told Cushing and the University that he and his six siblings were very touched by the Cushings’ generosity in memorializing their father. Interestingly, Montgomery is no stranger to Detroit Mercy, having earned a bachelor’s degree from Mercy College of Detroit in Health Services in ’78 and a master’s degree in the same program in ’84. In addition, four of his siblings are also Mercy College of Detroit alumni.
The Montgomery family has a past with Detroit Mercy and now, thanks to the Cushings, it has a present and future here as well.
Gifts to University of Detroit Mercy help the University meet the needs of the students of today and tomorrow. Donations of all sizes and for all reasons are welcome. Click here to make a safe online donation.
Barbara Cushing Rocks!!!