Oakland County Bar Foundation grant to help fund pro se clinic

A $10,000 grant from the Oakland County Bar Foundation will help fund a partnership between University of Detroit Mercy School of Law and the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan designed to aid hundreds of low-income litigants who represent themselves in lawsuits before the federal court …

What does Mercy mean to you?

Sunday, Sept. 24, is Mercy Day, a celebration of the day in 1827 when Catherine McAuley opened her first House of Mercy, offering aid to those in need. The house remains a symbol of her legacy of mercy, 190 years later.  McAuley was a Catholic laywoman of great means and …

About those Confederate statues…

Stevie Jones was one of seven Detroit Mercy students who took a history class this summer called Topics in African American History. The classroom was the American South and, in particular, the historical sites in Tennessee, Alabama and Mississippi where the fight for Civil Rights was fought. She wrote about …

Fall Architecture lecture series lineup announced

Some of architecture’s most provocative thinkers and practitioners will share their views of the field today and tomorrow as part of the School of Architecture’s annual fall lecture series. For more than 20 years the School has brought these design leaders to campus, forging relationships with innovative firms and introducing …

Hip Hop Architecture Camp comes to Detroit Mercy

The School of Architecture hosted the nationally renowned Hip Hop Architecture Camp last month on the McNichols Campus. This one-week camp introduces under represented youth ages 10-17 to architecture, urban planning, creative place making and economic development through the lens of hip hop culture. It’s based on creativity, collaboration, communication …

DCDC accepts the Whitney M. Young Jr. Award

In January, the American Institute of Architects named the School of Architecture’s Detroit Collaborative Design Center the 2017 Whitney M. Young Jr. Award winner. Named for the civil rights leader, the honor is given to an architect or architectural organization that “embodies social responsibility and actively addresses a relevant issue, such …