Take the Environmental Justice Challenge

Take the Environmental Justice Challenge

Join the Ignatian Solidarity Network and University Ministry and take the Environmental Justice Challenge!

In his encyclical Laudato Si’, Pope Francis invites all people to act on behalf of creation. This call to action is grounded in the principle of integral ecology—the idea that environmental, social, political and economic systems are interwoven—and sustained by a sense of wonder before the interconnected nature of all life. The environmental justice movement similarly asks us to view the world as interconnected and prophetically calls us to change the systems that create the unjust distribution of environmental hazards.

For 21 days, the ISN Environmental Justice Challenge asks participants to:

  • enter into the complex work of understanding the connections between environmental injustices that disproportionately impact Black, Indigenous and people of color (BIPOC), as well as low income communities
  • listen to and learn from the voices of environmental justice leaders from frontline communities
  • better understand the connections between current and historical environmental injustices
  • respond to the call to work towards a lived vision of a world in which all of God’s creation can flourish

For more information, contact Salena Ibrahim at ibrahisa@udmercy.edu.

Register to receive daily emails and updates on the challenge.