Student Spotlight: Kenneth Donaldson and Dalonzo Curges

Student Spotlight: Kenneth Donaldson and Dalonzo Curges

On behalf of the Student Life Office, our Student Spotlight shines on seniors Kenneth Donaldson and Dalonzo Curges!

Kenny has lived out the University’s Mission in many ways. He has led countless initiatives through the Dean of Student Office and Student Life. His positive vibes influence everyone around him. Stude Life has been proud to have Kenny associated with their office and are excited as he transitions to his legal profession and future career goals.

Dalonzo has been a quiet, but powerful, “force to be reckoned with” with Student Life, University Ministry and Academic Affairs. He has been a spiritual leader as well as influence on many key initiatives throughout the University.

The Student Life Office wishes these two trailblazers the best of luck and a hearty congratulations to the entire Titan Class of 2021!