Summer volunteering opportunities are available with TENN

Summer volunteering opportunities are available with TENN

Looking for volunteer hours over the summer, while also making a different in our community?

Join Detroit Mercy’s Titan Equity Nourish Network in delivering produce to our neighbors and in our garden. Produce deliveries are Monday and Friday, while garden days are throughout the summer.

Sign-up for Monday’s deliveries, which are every other week 12-2 p.m.

Sign-up for Friday’s deliveries, which are every other week 10 a.m. to noon.

Sign-up to help in the garden.

With any questions, please contact Chelsea Manning by email at

A graphic featuring photos of the Titan Equity Nourish Network, including the produce deliveries and garden. Text reads, Summer Volunteers Needed, Join us in the garden and delivering produce to our neighbors, for more info, email