UDM rebranding: Help create an emotive new brand

UDM rebranding: Help create an emotive new brand

Faculty, staff, students, alumni, neighbors, corporate and foundation partners can help co-author UDM’s new brand in many ways. Here are just a few:

  • Watch Campus Connection for stories and updates.
  • Keep an eye on your email—we will reach out to people and ask them to join strategy sessions in the very near future.
  • Be honest regarding your perceptions of the institution and those of family, friends, students, former students, alumni and anyone you come in contact with. A new UDM brand is as much about our true, honest and authentic identity and what and who we really are than anything else. What does UDM stand for? What does UDM believe in? What do we hope for as a Jesuit and Mercy institution? What should UDM dream for and aspire to become? How can UDM help make the life of everyone better?
  • Don’t be shy. Get real with your thoughts, perceptions and ideas and most importantly, share them!
  • Offer thoughts and input and/or send questions via the form on MarCom’s rebrand website or send an email to marcom@udmercy.edu.