“A Year in Radical Hospitality” shares tribute to Judy Mouch, RSM

“A Year in Radical Hospitality” shares tribute to Judy Mouch, RSM

Selfie image of two women with water and boats in the backgroundRadical Hospitality is the intentional welcoming of those we know and those we don’t yet know into a community of belonging. In the Mercy and Jesuit traditions, we are asked to embrace the stranger as our neighbor, in the spirit of love, mercy and justice.

In the latest feature of the Mission Effectiveness Team (MET) series “A Year in Radical Hospitality,” MEAGN program director Lori Glenn shares a personal tribute to Sr. Judy Mouch, a beloved member of our University who exemplified radical hospitality. She is deeply missed.

If you would like to write or propose a feature for “A Year in Radical Hospitality,” please email MET co-chairs Assistant Professor Ashlee Barnes at barnesav@udmercy.edu or Associate Professor Mary-Catherine Harrison at mc.harrison@udmercy.edu.

Read the feature and find out more here!