Great Lakes Bioneers Detroit Conference

Great Lakes Bioneers Detroit Conference

Date(s) - October 14, 2022 - October 15, 2022
All Day

Student Union

The Great Lakes Bioneers Detroit has set dates for its annual conference, covering two days, Friday and Saturday, Oct. 14-15 at the Student Union on Detroit Mercy’s McNichols Campus.

The theme for 2022 is “Earth is our Mentor, Measures and Model.”

GLBD’s annual conference provides a platform for community members to network and highlight innovative solutions to environmental and social problems, with a focus on Metro Detroit and Michigan.

A “Pollinator” event, linked to the national organization, the mission of the Bioneers is to promote a sustainable community that fosters life-giving relationships, nurtures connections and celebrates solutions for restoring and healing Earth’s communities.

Five tours begin the morning of Friday, Oct. 14. Registration includes a bus ride to and from the tour site as well as lunch and snacks both days. There is also programming all day on the McNichols Campus. New to the conference this year is special programming for up-to 25 children on Saturday, Oct. 15 with learn-shops all day and admission into the Saturday afternoon tour.

“Earth is our Mentor, Measure and Model” was chosen as the theme in 2022 because for 3.8 billion years, Earth has been creating conditions conducive to life. Earth’s experience is a model that everyone can emulate; Earth can serve as a measure to help achieve balance; and Earth can be a mentor that will teach us how to care for a common home. Earth is a model, measure and mentor working towards a sustainable, racially-equitable, inclusive, community that fosters life-giving relationships, nurtures connections, and celebrates solutions for restoring and healing.

For more information or with questions, please reach out to conference co-chairs Gail Presbey ( and Nicholas Schroeck ( With Eventbrite registration questions, please contact Sally Morzinski at

Register for the GLBD conference.

More on Great Lakes Bioneers Detroit.

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