Next OMI monthly liturgy, March 19, celebrates Feast of Saint Joseph

Next OMI monthly liturgy, March 19, celebrates Feast of Saint Joseph

A group of three photos. The photo on top left half of page is a plaque in a garden. The bottom left half of page are several indviduals having lunch in a classroom. The third photo is of a priest presiding over a mass.All are invited to the next monthly liturgy of the Office of Mission Integration (OMI) on Wednesday, March 19 at noon in the St. Ignatius Chapel.

This celebration will be an occasion to celebrate the Feast of Saint Joseph.

There will be a pizza lunch afterward and time to visit with colleagues in the Commerce & Finance Building, Room 213.

At each monthly OMI liturgy and lunch, colleagues will have an opportunity to gather and reflect on a theme central to the University’s Jesuit and Mercy educational mission. Persons of all religious backgrounds and/or those not affiliated with a religious tradition are encouraged to attend.