Support Rx for Reading in the New Year!

Support Rx for Reading in the New Year!

Since 2014, Detroit Mercy’s Rx for Reading Detroit has distributed over 220,000 books to low-income children and families in Metro Detroit. That’s more than two books for every young child in the city of Detroit!

It is easy and fast to give a gift through the Detroit Mercy Giving Page.

You can also give the gift that keeps on giving. In less than two minutes, Detroit Mercy employees can set up automatic payroll dedication (designate Rx for Reading as the College/School/Program): Faculty and Staff Giving Payroll Deduction.

In just one year of giving, $5 per paycheck allows us to purchase 175 brand new books for children who need them. That means every single month you’ll be giving 14 brand new books to kids in our community!

Give a gift to Rx for Reading and help raise the next generation or readers and leaders and future Detroit Mercy college students!

Rx for Reading logo, Raising Readings One Book at a Time