Your Voice Matters: Opinions needed in virtual survey

Your Voice Matters: Opinions needed in virtual survey

In support of the 2019-24 Strategic Plan, the Strategic Enrollment Planning (SEP) group has been meeting to formulate University-wide plans for enhancing enrollment, student engagement and customer relations.

To help with their plans, the group has set-up a virtual survey, called a SWOT exercise, to help include campus voices in the planning process. The survey is set for Tuesday, March 22 from 12:45-2 p.m.

A SWOT analysis provides the framework for planning by identifying internal — Strengths and Weaknesses — and external — Opportunities and Threats — challenges.

The virtual survey will first meet as a group to go over structure before providing access to two breakout rooms where participants will have an opportunity to provide their opinions. The breakout rooms will have a facilitator and record keeper and participants can voice their opinion either vocally or through the chat function.

Specific areas that will be discussed are:

  • Strengths — What strengths does University of Detroit Mercy have now and how will these strengths evolve moving forward?
  • Weaknesses — What are the areas in which we have opportunities to improve and where should we first focus our efforts?
  • Opportunities — How can we leverage partnerships and new innovations to grow enrollment? What other areas of the market should we consider entering in the future?
  • Threats — Are there external factors (controllable and uncontrollable) that could potentially stifle our future enrollment?

Register for SWOT.