Updated Masking Requirements

Updated Masking Requirements

As we enter this third academic year living with a pandemic, the University continues to adapt and revise our policies based on the latest research, best practices, and advice from local, state, and national health agencies and the experts on our faculty.

Masking Requirements

For Fall 2022, the University’s McNichols, Riverfront and Novi Campuses will require masks based on Wayne County’s Community Risk Level as determined by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). When the CDC indicates Wayne County’s risk level is high, masks will be required in all teaching, studying and work spaces, including libraries. When the risk level is medium or low, masks are recommended but not required.

Faculty members may require masks for their classes, either for the entire term, or at their discretion. The Corktown Campus will communicate its specific policies and protocols for students, employees and patients.

The University will communicate the current risk level weekly through the e-newsletter Campus Connection, the University’s website, campus signage, and Banner. We ask that, as members of a caring Mercy and Jesuit community, you consider the health of others in following the new protocols. This protocol is effective August 29.

Masks will be available from Public Safety, dean’s offices and Human Resources, if necessary.

Thank all of you for your continued commitment to keep our University community safe and healthy.

Titans Together.