Banned books exhibit at McNichols Campus Library through Oct. 13

Banned books exhibit at McNichols Campus Library through Oct. 13

What do Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye, Sherman Alexie’s The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian and Maia Kobabe’s Gender Queer: A Memoir have in common?

All three were among the most frequently challenged books of 2022, according to the American Library Association.

To raise awareness of banned and challenged books, their history and issues surrounding censorship, the McNichols Campus librarians created a Banned Books Week exhibit in the McNichols Campus Library. In addition, students, faculty and staff were invited to share titles of banned books they have read in the library’s new tradition: the Question of the Week (below).

The exhibit, which was originally scheduled to run through Banned Books Week (the first week of October), has been extended through Friday, Oct. 13. Stop by, see the exhibit, discover what the UDM community has read and figure out for yourself what the fuss is — or isn’t — about, by checking out a “banned” book!

A white board with dozens of book titles, located in the McNichols Campus Library.