Well-Being Survey for students offers feedback, chance to win prizes

Well-Being Survey for students offers feedback, chance to win prizes

An outdoor photo of the Quads dorms with the Wellness Center in the foreground, a student walking on a snowy sidewalk and the clock tower looming beyond the dorms.The Wellness Center and the Dean of the Students Office is conducting a Well-Being Survey, with every student at the University having the opportunity to participate in the survey, as well as winning great prizes!

The survey will strengthen what we know about our campus and student well-being, and in turn, enable us to make more positive changes at Detroit Mercy. The goal is to understand more of what contributes to students thriving at UDM and more about some of the challenges that students face.

The survey is confidential and will close on Monday, Feb. 12. If you provide your email at the end of the survey, you will be entered into a drawing for UDM swag and/or gift cards.

The survey will ask questions about social interactions and involvement in activities, stressful experiences on campus and beyond, social supports and coping strategies, mental health, help-seeking skills and the use of campus resources in all these areas.

It’ll also give students information about UDM’s wellness and mental health resources. The Dean of Students Office and the Wellness Center will also offer follow-up opportunities through focus groups to enhance the survey data.

Take: Well-Being Survey.