The Detroit Mercy Anime Club and Detroit Mercy Esports presents its second annual Detroit Mercy x Extra Life event, a 12-hour video game charity stream live on Twitch.
The Twitch stream, which raises money for Beaumont Children’s Hospital in Royal Oak, begins on Friday, April 8 at 8 a.m. and continues until 8 p.m. later that day. The stream will be held at the Student Fitness Center on the McNichols Campus.
All food items are just $1 with all proceeds going towards the final donation amount! Local food will be available, while supplies last, throughout the 12-hour stream and include coffee and sweets from Tommy’s Cafe, chicken shawarma from Bucharest Grill and Johnny Noodle King.
Grab some friends and represent your Greek chapter or student organization. Students may choose a one-hour time slot to play Nintendo Switch games — Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Mario Party, Mario Kart, ARMS, Overcooked! and more — live on Twitch. After the games, be sure to stop by the offline arena and de-stress with some casual games, including board and card games, Switch and more.
The club accepts cash, check and Venmo (@detmercyanime) as forms of payment for the charity stream. As a bonus, if participants donate $5, they’ll receive a punch card and get six food items of their choice.
For those who cannot make the event, they can watch on the Extra Life page or on Twitch. Anyone is invited to watch!
For more information or to sign up and play join the Detroit Mercy Anime Discord or reach the club by email at