VIDEOS – Presentations
On African Philosophy
Above: Guest lecture, African Philosophy Conversations series for Prof. Bruce B. Janz course in African philosophy, University of Central Florida, Feb. 3, 2022.
ON THE BOOK, The LIFE and thought of H. Odera Oruka (Bloomsbury, 2023)
Below: Book Chat on Feb. 6, 2025, with Kole Odutola, Ph.D., who is a Yoruba Associate Instructional Professor in the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures at University of Florida.
Below: Guest lecture on H. Odera Oruka, online with George Mutalemwa, Global Peace Studies for Sustainable Development Africa Peace and Development Network (Mtandao wa Amani na Maendeleo Afrika (MAMA), and Executive Secretary of the Association of Catholic Universities and Higher Institutes of Africa, St. Augustine University of Tanzania, September 6, 2024.
On Environmental Justice
Hear my presentation on “Reflections on Malcolm Ferdinand’s Intertwining of both Decolonizing and Defending the Environment” to the Ninth Annual Conference of Philosophy and Religion in Africana Traditions (PRAT): Climate Change and the Future of Humanity, sponsored by The Center for Place, Culture and Politics, Graduate Center, City University of New York. October 2022 (presentation on zoom).
On Democracy in Africa
Watch the video of this event. It covers the book by Reginald Oduor, Africa Beyond Liberal Democracy. Lexington Books, 2022. The event took place online in September 2022, as an Actuvirtual Symposium at the Johannesburg Institute for Advanced Study. In this paper I refer to chapters written by Thomas Menamparampil, Emefiena Ezeani, David Ngendo-Tshimba, Sirkku Hellsten, Dennis Masaka, Donna Pido, and Robinah S. Nakabo, among others.
On the Use of Nonviolence in Ghana’s Liberation from Colonial Rule
I present a paper on “Exploring an Historical Example of Nonviolent Revolution: Ghana’s Independence,” as part of a panel addressing the theme, “Theories of (Non) violent revolution: Black liberation,” with Anthony Neal. Oxford Public Philosophy, invited by People for Womxn* in Philosophy and Oxford PPE Society, hosted by Susmita Dave and Emma Weitzmann. Recorded Feb. 18, 2021, Posted on March 2, 2021.
On the Leadership and Contribution of Women in Gandhian Nonviolence
Presented a paper/ power point presentation, “How Gandhi drew inspiration and learned nonviolent resistance techniques from women,” a webinar organized at the instance of the Ministry of Education, Govt. of India, Visva-Bharati Central University, Santiniketan, India, on 30 August 2020 at 5.30pm (IST) via Zoom. Part 1: My talk begins around 1 hr 29 mins into the video (See above). For Part Two of the video, where I and co-panelist Sanjay Lal answer questions, join the Q and A session, begins about 49 mins into this second video.
On the Root Causes of Central American Migration
Presented a talk (via Zoom) “Historical Background for the Causes of Central American Migration,” for Our Mother of Perpetual Help and Christ Our Light Parishes, MI, July, 2020. [Online]
Immigration Crisis – Overview
Presented a talk (via Zoom) on “The History of U.S. Policy with Central America” for a program, “The Immigration Crisis and our Faith,” sponsored by Alianza Americas, Strangers No Longer – Michigan and CLASA, June 2020.
African History – program in Jamaica
Week-long course on African History, six sessions, July 6-11, 2015, Great Huts, Port Antonio, Jamaica. Find radio interview about the course with “Sista P” (Pauline Petinaud) of “Spiritual Vibrations” show, STYLESFM radio, July 9, 2015, [Online.]
WORLD HISTORY DAY – Windsor, Canada, talk on Grace Lee Boggs
Public lecture in honor of World Philosophy Day, “Revolution and/or Evolution? Grace Lee Boggs’ Sustainable Activism for Detroit,” University of Windsor Philosophy Department and Philosophical Association of Windsor event held at Phog Lounge, Windsor, November 2012. [Online]
Peace Philosophy and Public Life
Video related to our book, R. Greg Moses and Gail M. Presbey (Eds.), Peace Philosophy and Public Life: Commitments, Crises, and Concepts for Engaged Thinking, Value Inquiry Book Series, vol. 268, Rodopi Publishers, 2014.
While the above videos feature Presbey’s lectures, you can visit these University you tube channels to see Dr. Presbey hosting speakers addressing important topics of peace and justice, and environmental issues in Latin America, Africa, and globally.