Dec 03

This Blog is intended to be a collection of resources I have created for teaching college mathematics courses at the University of Detroit Mercy.  Many of the resources are suitable for high school courses as well.

One type of resources I have made are problems based on comic strips.  Students enjoy these problems because they are a little bit fun, but they also report that they find the problems help them learn and think about concepts in new ways.  I like these problems for those reasons, but also because I think they test higher order thinking skills and provide an opportunity for students to read and write.

I have also posted some problems which I call Authentic Applied Problems (AAPs).  These problems are similar to story problems, but more realistic and whenever possible having life lessons outside of the mathematics.  Students often struggle to see how math can be useful and recognize that text book story problems are silly and contrived.  These problems help make the connection to the real world.

All content posted here does not necessarily reflect the views/ opinions of the University.

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