Sep 22

Here are two problems I used in my calculus 1 class, just after teaching them the definition of the derivative and discussing average and instantaneous rates of change.


  1. My car has a digital read out with the average fuel economy.  I used to have a car which also had the instantaneous fuel economy.
    What is the difference between these two fuel economies?  Under what circumstances is each more useful?  How can I use the average fuel economy feature to approximate my instantaneous fuel economy?  (Your answer should be  2-5 complete sentences).
  2. Read the article at .
    You can use this QR code to access it

    1. What is the average rate of change of the mass of Antarctica’s ice?
    2. What is the average rate of change of the mass of Greenland’s ice?
    3. Looking at the graphs, do you think it is reasonable to talk about the instantaneous rate of change for these quantities?  Why or why not?
      Then answer the following questions. Give all answers in complete sentences with units.


1 comment so far

  1. 1 Deepak Suwalka
    11:27 am - 3-10-2017

    It’s a nice post about Rate of Change. I really like it. It’s really helpful. Thanks for sharing it.

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