Detroit Mercy Campus Connection

Professor of History Roy E. Finkenbine participated in a panel for the webinar, “The Fluid Frontier Revisited: The Underground Railroad in the Detroit River Borderland,” …

Detroit Collaborative Design Center Design and Research Fellow Charles Cross and six other Black landscape architects were featured in the August 2020 issue of Landscape …

An excerpt from Marketing & Communications Associate Vice President Gary Erwin‘s novel-in-progress, Grindstone Creek, appeared in Adelaide Literary Magazine. Read the excerpt in the current …

Isaiah McKinnon ’75, ’78, a retired Detroit Mercy professor, retired chief of police of the Detroit Police Department and former deputy mayor of Detroit was …

Professor of History Roy E. Finkenbine was interviewed on Travel Michigan about the upcoming Michigan Underground Railroad Heritage Gathering, airing on state radio stations, Aug. …

Professor of English John Freeman‘s article, “E. E. Cummings by the Numbers,” was published in Essays in Criticism by Oxford University Press. Read the abstract …

At the President’s Convocation last week, Agere ex Missione Awards were presented to a staff and faculty member who “work the mission” of the University. …

Several restaurants on the Avenue of Fashion, the stretch of Livernois Avenue just north of Detroit Mercy’s McNichols Campus, now feature outdoor seating, allowing them …

The Michigan Poison Control Center has seen a spike in cases involving cleaning products and children. Assistant Professor of the Physician Assistant program Yolonda Freeman-Hildreth …

Professor of History Greg Sumner sheds insight into how the city of Detroit, 75 years ago, experienced the news of the atomic bombs dropped on …

Detroit Mercy Law Director of Career Services & Outreach Katharine Harrison’s article, “Four Tips for Newer Attorneys During COVID-19,” was published in the June/July Issue …

Detroit Mercy President Antoine M. Garibaldi was mentioned in a recent letter to Congress by the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities (AJCU), standing in …

Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Pamela Zarkowski participated in the panel, “Thriving in the Face of Institutional Bias: When Race, Gender, and Personal …

Assistant Professor of Law Instruction Nicholas Schroeck discusses the safety of dams in Oakland County, Mich. in Downtown Newsmagazine, July 14. Read the full article …