Detroit Mercy Campus Connection

Professor of History Roy E. Finkenbine spoke to Microsoft health care executives about the work of the Equal Justice Initiative, and related local efforts aimed …

Director of Language & Cultural Training and Fulbright Scholar Liaison Lara Wasner attended a two-day Fulbright Scholar Liaison training session at Wayne State University to …

Professor of History Greg Sumner had two books, “Detroit in World War II” and “Michigan POW Camps in World War II,” available in select Target …

Adjunct Professor of Music Daniel Greig, on behalf of the Michigan State Vocal Music Association, presented a workshop, “Teaching Systematic Sight-Singing Daily in the Choral …

Senior Lecturer in English Amanda Hiber published an article about soap operas and sexual consent, titled, “On Soap Operas, Rape Is Still Treated as a …

Professor of English John Freeman’s article, “Code Poetry in Motion: E. E. Cummings and his Digital Grasshopper” is now available from the journal, Postmodern Culture. …

Associate Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry Katherine Lanigan served as program chair for the Annual ANACHEM Symposium, Nov. 7, 2019. This regional conference highlights analytical …

Professor of History Roy E. Finkenbine’s op-ed, “Does Truth Matter Less Than in 1974?” was published by History News Network, Dec. 22.

Associate Professor of Decision Sciences Mithu Bhattacharya was recognized as the faculty sponsor of the year by Alpha Iota Delta, the International Honor Society in …

University Minister for Service and Justice Erin McDonald represented Detroit Mercy at a global gathering in Rome, Italy for the 50th Anniversary of the Social …

MarCom Communications Specialist Timmy Nelson ’11 hosted a 24-hour video game charity marathon and raised more than $2,500 for Beaumont Children’s, part of the Children’s Miracle Network, …

Professor of History Greg Sumner will emcee The Macomb Symphony Orchestra’s concert, “Holiday Flicks,” on Sunday, Dec. 8 at 3 p.m. at the Macomb Center …

Professor of History Roy E. Finkenbine led a workshop Underground Railroad for volunteers at the Michigan History Center in Lansing, Nov, 15. Finkenbine was also …